Karamazov wrote:
Joe90 wrote:
But when he's had a few beers he lives in this fantasy world where money grows on trees. I will speak to him after I finish work when he's not drunk and has sense
I agree with Fnord that this is an example of disrespect, however I’m taking a slightly different tack: if he loses all sight of reality and invites people to events that you’ve previously agreed aren’t happening...
Then drinking enough to get in that frame of mind is disrespecting
both you
and the third party.
How much is a few?
Does he need to sort himself out?
Well he only had about 4 beers. He doesn't drink alcohol all the time. I've spoken to him now and told him what my friend told me, and he just said to tell him that we will invite them if we have a celebration later on in the year if or when we get our money sorted.
But I'm still hoping that my friend won't go thinking that I'm lying just to exclude him or something. I will have a chat with him tomorrow, but it's knowing when to bring it up. I believe it might sound less like a lie if I bring it up in a conversation related to weddings, rather than just randomly going up to him and saying.