Ever since I was a kid my parents and sister never really understood me. So I tried fitting in and trying to be normal, but no matter what I did I felt like I couldn't do anything right. At school I got picked on and bullied and I felt like nobody understood me. Everyone tried understanding but they just couldn't. Then I got diagnosed with asperger's in high school on top of all the other I have been diagnosed with before then. I finally kinda understood a d felt like a had the final piece. My family and I finally figured out why I was the way I was. They tried to help and try to understand, but they still don't understand and still felt like nobody understood me. After I graduated I tried college. It went well the first semester but went down hill and I dropped out by my third semester. I tried finding work but couldn't find anything or if I did it didn't last long. But then I found out about a place called Job Corps. It is honestly the best thing to happen to me. I had finally figured out what I wanted to do with my life. I am getting my CMA, EKG, and Phlebotomy certification. I also finally met someone that understands me better then anyone I have met. He has become one of my best friends. He has helped me understand myself better and is someone I can go to for anything. But ever since covid 19 has happened I am back home away from structure, away from my best friend that understands me more than anything, and all my other friends. It has been so hard having to deal with almost no structure, everyone in my family home, and no one that understands me. I have another month of this and I just hope I can make it through this and make it back to Job Corps.