Nomaken wrote:
Sea Gull
Joined: Jun 10, 2005
Posts: 230
Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 9:53 pm
Post subject:
Among all the qualities of aspergers and autism which
I am 100% like, the 2 qualities i don't have are contact
preference, and orderliness.
nomaken wrote:
My room is like a rats nest - i don't lose anything, i
remember where everything is. I could name the
locations of objects in my room without looking.
And the mess moves in predictable ways, like the
gulf stream. So my mess is orderly in its own way,
but it wouldn't look that way to anyone else.
Alot of people are like that, be they NT, or Autistic!
nomaken wrote:
As for contact, i love contact, i want to cuddle more
than anything else in my life.
Now I am going to ask a few Hmmm? questions!
1)...From reading posts and watching Magic and Hilary,
I am curious to the fact that these are more more HFA
like trait(the cuddling) and not so much Aspergers, of
which has less tendecies to do so!
nomaken wrote:
My ideal existance would be to work at home, and cuddle
with my partner the entire time, have a seat capable of
supporting 2 people, while we play online games together.
Eat while cuddling. In a big soft blankey. And if ever i must
leave my partner i must have my big soft blankey. And a
kitty. My kitty likes to cuddle as opposed to most kitties.
You seem to have that pet and person cuddling thing
that is Autistic related, not Aspergers related(or distance
is preferred approach). Hmmmmmm?
Otherwise, Hows it going? I will say this cuddling thing
is a HFA thing, not Aspergers!
Hmmmmm? Slight dramatic pause......! !! !! !! !! !! !!