I've never tried online dating, and likely wouldn't. The closest I would come is if I happened to like a person online (e.g., on Wrong Planet or another forum, but not a dating forum), and we got along well enough to meet.
On a standard dating site with all the photos and hypermarketing of human beings, I'd be very cautious. I doubt I'd be attracted to the best looking ones, but rather the ones who look humble and sincere. In our communication I'd want someone witty who makes me laugh, and someone who likes the same music / entertainment. The whole point of meeting a partner is to spend time with them, so there's no point if he listens to music I can't stand, or wants me to lead a really social life, which I won't.
I would also want to know that the person likes me for me, not just my photo. I'd want to feel confident they understand who I am (the good, the bad and the ugly). Likewise I would want to have a sense of them as a whole person, too.
I'd recommend meeting any online interest within about 2-3 weeks to make sure the chemistry works, before getting attached to their online persona. A person's real life energy is often different than their ability to write nice words online. It's no one's fault. Some people are just better with words than they are in person, or vice versa. Of course you meet in a public place and don't give them your full name or address for quite some time.
I met my bf in December in person, and didn't give him my address or bring him home until March. Then the lockdown happened. So we've spent half our relationship apart. Who knows how that will turn out, but I'm glad I was cautious from the start.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.