Whale_Tuune wrote:
I believe it's true that as people on the spectrum we frequently need help improving theory of mind and ability to empathize with others (though we frequently possess a desire to help/have sympathy.)
Are there any good ways of improving our empathy for others?
There is a way to improve but it's a long way to go. Your brain is able to learn and adds additional neurons in regions that you are using a lot. For this is the only way is just learning by doing. It's quite like learning a new language. It takes a lot of time until you are good at it and there is no magic pill for doing this. But you are quite young and everyone is able to improve at least a little bit.
Start to watch other people more carefully in real life as well as in TV and videos. Try to guess how they may feel. Ask yourself why they behave and move just as they do. Imagine you being yourself in their positions. Try to guess their feelings and to develop the same feelings. (Once this helps you to improve a bit as well as I did let me know please.) If it comes to faces spot the point between the eyes at the root of the noses. That's where you get the best overall impression of the emotions of the faces. Try eye contact once you are talking. Keep a good mood towards the others because their empathy tells them how you feel and they assume you feeling that way towards them. Don't stare in just one eye but look to the other as well after few seconds.
Once you have problems with recognizing emotions in language try audiobooks and listen what the reader tells how something is said. In case of written language try to read loudly or try to imagine the voice of the writer.
Good luck with this.
Btw: Never start negative ways of thinking. You may train your brain to become this way more and more as well. All kind of positive thinking is like fighting the evil and ensures you a much more positive life.