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Samba knot

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05 Aug 2020, 10:27 pm

So... okay, I doubt any do directly (if they were suicidal they wouldn't even go out to vote...) - but it takes some amazing mental gymnastics to vote in someone that could ruin others' lives but somehow think yours will be spared. Especially when they're only skilled at corruption, and especially useless in pandemics, as usa, uk, brazil etc. are right now... many thousands died in all those, and while no one can verify what the masses voted for, there are a few formerly known who were... Stanley Chera e.g. - not only did he vote for it, he donated too, presumably in anticipation for more profit... instead, he died. In the uk John Laws was practically killed by his own relative's 'experiment' (which got himself infected too, nobody accused these people of being bright).

Like, don't most people see that they not only couldn't care about the general population, but not even their own family or intelligent enough to realize that in a pandemic even they aren't perfectly shielded?

In 1918 it was the war that impeded them, clearly this time it's brains...


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05 Aug 2020, 11:02 pm

Trump is Part of 'Church Life' And He's taken Full Advantage Of All The Perks that go with it.

At The Church i Visit, Prayers are offered by 'HeadQuarters' For Any Criticism
Against 'The Chosen one'; Fourth Week Running since the Worst Part of the
Pandemic Failure As Corpses Started to Pile up Faster...

It's not the first time this has happened;

And it won't be the Last; By Far By Far...

Humans Are Ruled By Emotions as Usual
First; Reasons Second; And Again Still Now,
Religion First, for Whatever Brings Meaning
And Purpose to their Lives; In This Case Yes,
Every Church in my Area; That once held, OG
A Record Book Note For the Most so-called
Christian Churches Per Square mile; Hell Yes,
The Panhandle of Florida; LA Lower Alabama
As 'they' also refer to this Back-Firing Place,
Incorporates Trump as Church Leader
As A Savior For their Cause to take
Away Rights for Gay Folks to Get
Married and to Return to the
Days of Back Alley
Abortions as that is
Another Part of Nature
And Human Nature that
Ain't Going away no matter
What Laws are etched in Other
Than Mother Nature Reality As is Still Now;

They Do It For the Similar 'Reason' They Believe
in an All Loving Forgiving God That Even Forgives
Enemies And Turns the Other Cheek That in Other Words
Tortures Folks Forever, if they happen to Misbehave by Not
Worshipping And Fearing An All Loving Enemies and Turning the Other Cheek God;

Is it any Wonder:

IN A Word


Love, Love, Love;
Love Neither Requires
Worship or Fears Criticism;
So In Other Words, the God they
Worship And the God They Fear is Basically the Same 'Trump'.

Lots of Folks Are Hoping the World Will be Destroyed to Bring 'That God Back'....

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy;
It's What Happens When Folks
Worship Words from Old Poems
in Books And Put the Words
in Action; Dark or Light...

It's Just The Twilight Zone;
And the Book Is Actually
A Cook Book; A Recipe Book 'to Serve Humans'...

Smiles; Rod Serling's Prophecy is verily coming True Now...

Welcome to the Twilight Zone; Home of Human Led/Grown Separate From Kind.

The Seeds Are Sown; And Now The Grim Reaper is in Town for The Harvest of 'the Children of the Corn'...

A Clue Was Given First When 'The Grim Reaper' Said He Could Shoot Someone on 5th Avenue And They'd still support A Dark Lord; i Find it Worthy of A Horror Story That is Real that They will still Support Him Behind a 'Blade' on 5th Avenue...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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05 Aug 2020, 11:17 pm

The conservative politicians in the new cabinet didn't like or trust Hitler, but they liked democracy even less, and saw the leftist parties as a bigger threat. They were confident they could control Hitler.

An extreme example from history. Disliking democracy and falling under the control of a dictator is definitely not exclusive to 'the right'.

All who gain power are afraid to lose it.

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06 Aug 2020, 2:52 am

People vote against their own self-interest for a variety of reasons:

- Incomplete information. You’ve used the example of a pandemic. Not only did most people except epidemiologists massively underestimate the probability of a global pandemic of this seriousness in any given year, but they also didn’t have a way to tell which of the parties would be better at dealing with a pandemic.

- Competing priorities. Maybe you know for a fact that Party A will be better at dealing with a “once in thirty years” pandemic. However, you also think Party B being in power will reduce crime and make it possible for you to retire earlier.

Certainty vs uncertainty - humans have a lot of cognitive biases. The last example may have helped illustrate one. Humans place more value on certain outcomes than uncertain ones. If Party B wins then maybe you’ll be better off IF an unlikely pandemic happens, but you’ll definitely see a big smile on the face of a that smug Party B supporter who grinds your gears.

Principles other than self-interest - the clearest example of this is that lots of rich people support tax rises for the rich because they believe it is morally right. People might think “yes this party will handle a pandemic better, but they are for/against gay marriage so I cannot support them”.


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06 Aug 2020, 9:25 am

Smiles; 'You' have A 'Luxury'
of Living in a Culture That is not still
Led by the Similar Ignorance in Darkness
That's ruled for Thousands of Years;

But it's True; Up and Coming Other
Older Cultural Ways are Growing in Your Society;
As they are in other More Intelligent Cultures Ruled
By What Actually Works Best in Life For a More Enlightened Age.

Mr. Walrus, You are a very Intelligent
Young Man; Most of the Folks where i live,
Honestly, would not have a clue of what you just said.

What 'They' Do Understand is When Pastor so and so
tells them what to do; specifically in "HIStory's" Interpretation oF Old Poetry.

The Reality Is; Whatever Tradition Sticks together the Best and ACTUALLY Votes in a
Democracy Rules; Currently, overall, It is still Led by Pastor So and So and their 'Overlings', here.

A Few Years ago; People Might have disagreed about the Influence 'Old Religions' have; they do still rule with
Tradition That Sticks together and actually votes; "Hairless Apes Always Stronger Together"; doesn't matter what
'Colors' Dark or Light their 'Angel or Devil' is...

'Poetry' (STORY) rules the World Still for A 'simple'
'Reason': Folks Will Interpret IT always to their 'Selfish' 'Advantage'...

In Life or Death Consequences and the 'tween of those Consequences...

Ironically, 'Poetry' (STORY) is A 'cause' of most Dark and Light In life;
the Essence of the Human Animal; And It's ability to Create and Interpret Metaphors so differently...

'Chaos Magic', Indeed, Both Dark and Light As Action And Consequence as Mr. Trump iLLusTRaTeS as
A Magnificent 'Maleficient Dark Art'.

Hehe; 'Science' has a long way
to Catch Up to truly Understand
the Human Condition; Will It; Not likely....

Why? Poetry (STORY) rules...

Smiles; i've come to Understand the
Value of Poetry and Story...

-Always a
Recovering Scientist...

And Honestly it's why someone
as Ignorant as Trump is Still Running
Circles Around the Globe in the same 'Chaos Dark Magic'...

He Creates His Narrative
On the Run in 'Dark Flow' And Just Like
'Dark Chaos Magic' He's Still Ruling

i'd 'Sing' 'Black Magic';
but i don't wanna offend...
By Dancing It here Where
that might happen now...

And this is 'A Problem';

We've Become Weak Wilting
Flowers Without Thorns to Protect 'the gift' of Freedom's Love.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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06 Aug 2020, 11:31 am

The_Walrus wrote:
People vote against their own self-interest for a variety of reasons:

Incomplete Information. You’ve used the example of a pandemic. Not only did most people except epidemiologists massively underestimate the probability of a global pandemic of this seriousness in any given year, but they also didn’t have a way to tell which of the parties would be better at dealing with a pandemic.

Competing Priorities. Maybe you know for a fact that Party A will be better at dealing with a "once in thirty years" pandemic. However, you also think Party B being in power will reduce crime and make it possible for you to retire earlier.

Certainty vs Uncertainty - humans have a lot of cognitive biases. The last example may have helped illustrate one. Humans place more value on certain outcomes than uncertain ones. If Party B wins then maybe you’ll be better off IF an unlikely pandemic happens, but you’ll definitely see a big smile on the face of a that smug Party B supporter who grinds your gears.

Principles Other Than Self-Interest - the clearest example of this is that lots of rich people support tax rises for the rich because they believe it is morally right. People might think “yes this party will handle a pandemic better, but they are for/against gay marriage so I cannot support them”.
Charismatic Effect - "Sure, the candidate cheated on his wife, dodged the draft, lied about his assets, and refused to release his income tax returns for public scrutiny, but he sure looks good when he gives a speech, doesn't he?"


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06 Aug 2020, 11:43 am

I'm fully equal opportunities when it comes to politicians....I despise the lot of them no matter which party they are with.

There are no brains in politics only bloated egos something I cannot vote for.


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06 Aug 2020, 12:26 pm

What people are talking about is: "why do so many poor people vote republican in America and conservative in other countries"

The answer is simple,because the left or liberals tend to be very educated and have great pride in there education and come across as elitist and feeling superior to less educated people.

The same people who say the conservatives are against poor people,mock and berate people who talk in a less sophisticated manor and come across as less educated.

So the educated elite left alienates poorer less educated people through snobby attitudes.

Forever gone
Sorry I ever joined

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06 Aug 2020, 12:48 pm

Fnord wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
People vote against their own self-interest for a variety of reasons:

Incomplete Information. You’ve used the example of a pandemic. Not only did most people except epidemiologists massively underestimate the probability of a global pandemic of this seriousness in any given year, but they also didn’t have a way to tell which of the parties would be better at dealing with a pandemic.

Competing Priorities. Maybe you know for a fact that Party A will be better at dealing with a "once in thirty years" pandemic. However, you also think Party B being in power will reduce crime and make it possible for you to retire earlier.

Certainty vs Uncertainty - humans have a lot of cognitive biases. The last example may have helped illustrate one. Humans place more value on certain outcomes than uncertain ones. If Party B wins then maybe you’ll be better off IF an unlikely pandemic happens, but you’ll definitely see a big smile on the face of a that smug Party B supporter who grinds your gears.

Principles Other Than Self-Interest - the clearest example of this is that lots of rich people support tax rises for the rich because they believe it is morally right. People might think “yes this party will handle a pandemic better, but they are for/against gay marriage so I cannot support them”.
Charismatic Effect - "Sure, the candidate cheated on his wife, dodged the draft, lied about his assets, and refused to release his income tax returns for public scrutiny, but he sure looks good when he gives a speech, doesn't he?"

Yes, that (and variations thereupon) is true. Arguably a subset of “incomplete information”, but it would be foolish to ignore the bias in favour of people who are a combination of 1) well-spoken 2) charismatic 3) white 4) men.


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06 Aug 2020, 12:51 pm

Perhaps the common woman votes for her own life, because she likes it

"We see the extent to which our pursuit of pleasure has been limited in large part by a vocabulary foisted upon us"


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07 Aug 2020, 4:41 am

Samba knot wrote:
So... okay, I doubt any do directly (if they were suicidal they wouldn't even go out to vote...) - but it takes some amazing mental gymnastics to vote in someone that could ruin others' lives but somehow think yours will be spared.

The problem - that's two of two party nominees in almost any given situation. That's where the phrase 'lesser of two evils' comes from.

The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.


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08 Aug 2020, 5:37 pm

Samba knot wrote:
So... okay, I doubt any do directly (if they were suicidal they wouldn't even go out to vote...) - but it takes some amazing mental gymnastics to vote in someone that could ruin others' lives but somehow think yours will be spared.

In the words of Futurama's Phillip J. Fry: thanks to denial, I'm immortal.

People smoke, they engage in risky behaviour, ... They don't prepare for old age and in general think that bad things only happen to other people, but they themselves will be fine.
It's called optimism, and it's an evolutionarily advantageous trait for individuals, but not for groups, i.e., groups benefir from having pessimists among their ranks who prepare for the worst.

My personal theory is that that's why there's autism at all - analytical thinking, not easily convinced by groupthink, risk averse, but also prone to depression. - exactly the person you need to spend his life obsessively gathering data on how a disease spreads, or how to nixtamalise corn (seriously. Who figured that out?). But in a hunter-gatherer society, where there's a lot of physical fight for survival, you don't want too many in your group to be like that.

I can read facial expressions. I did the test.