Why would self-proclaimed 'patriots' hold traitors' flags?

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Samba knot

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11 Aug 2020, 2:54 am

In all likelihood it's some weak attempt to gaslight others... with nobody except their own cult convinced of it, of course. Like, literally, the confederacy led to civil war, so these present supporters are implying that civil war is patriotic. It is, though, remarkable that despite losing the war centuries ago their last symbolic 'stronghold' (state flag) wasn't taken down until this year... a lot of traitorous politicians.

But wait, I've just come across something even stupider... supporters of Duda in Poland holding that flag. Like, what? I'm attempting to mimic the mental gymnastic, I swear, but I'm not that flexible... do they, like, want to become a colony of a country thousands of miles away? Or, more accurately, travel back in time and join the confederacy in their forever lost cause? Some people, I swear, are hopeless themselves... it is, truly, remarkable how cultists find ways to dig deeper into the well of stupidity.


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11 Aug 2020, 7:10 am

This is a good point. The confederacy was an attempt to break off from the United States, so they were, in fact, traitors.

I am in an area where confederate flags have historically had substantial support. We even have self proclaimed Black Rednecks who passionately defend their small and strange subculture. People do what they will. Shrug.


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11 Aug 2020, 8:13 am

Samba knot wrote:
Why would self-proclaimed 'patriots' hold traitors' flags?
It seems likely to me that they believe themselves to be 'Patriots' only because they're fans of the Confederacy.


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11 Aug 2020, 2:49 pm

Why Poles would fly the Flag of the Confederate States of America is ...not clear to me either.

In neighboring Germany the Nazi swastika flag is illegal so NeoNazi skinheads there often use the American Confederate flag as a stand in for the Nazi Flag. Those Polish folks might be somekind of similar neo nazi group. Just a guess. Or maybe they are just members of the "Gone With The Wind" Fan Club.


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12 Aug 2020, 12:28 pm

Yes, to the suspicion that the Polish guys are neo-nazis, hiding behind "acceptable" symbols. It's called dog whistling. Other neo nazis can read the signs, but my father's generation struggles - and since it's not a listed nazi symbol, there's no good case for surveillance by domestic intelligence.

And regarding Americans: well, they are patriots, just not to what America has become after the civil war. i.e., they think the true America is the confederacy.
In the same way those confederacy-flag swinging Germans and Polish neo nazis consider themselves true patriots - the "true" meaning that there's a "true" version of their home country somewhere beneath that modern, liberal nation (at least for Germany) that's occupying their "true" homeland, just waiting to rise again.

I can read facial expressions. I did the test.