I have been reading this forum since more than one year. I found this place while searching on google…I have never been officially diagnosed, however, as a scientist, it was easy to find quite outdated but still well working for some people pre-screening test of 50 questions (doi:10.1023/a:1005653411471). I saw this paper in 2010 but … it took some time for me to decide about reading it and, finally, filling the test (in 2018) … with only a few questions scored negative... Taking into consideration the progress of my life until now, I am high-functioning Asperger (or however you call this type of personality in US). I got during my life (4 decades) many cons and some pros of this. Cons were bullying, intolerance and practically no positive relations with colleagues (e.g. from the age of ~5 to about ~22 years), no friends at all until ~25-27 years (however, currently people have many ‘friends’, but I am not sure if the power of such friendship is really high), and social isolation to such extent that even now I prefer to spend all free time only with myself. Happily, it was no internet and social media during the worst years of primary school (age 7/8-15), so I could exist in two parallel words – educational places like school etc. (hell) and my home (pretending to be heaven, and I do not complain). Therefore, I have never had suicide attempts because I had always a possibility to withdraw from relations. Now perhaps it is not possible to isolate in such a way because everybody must be on-line. Sure, nobody was thinking that this intolerance may be related with Asperger, because the Asperger was not known at that time in the country in schools and other educational places. There were also many pros related with the Asperger, perhaps I should not provide here too many details because you will be able to google very quick who I am. Just for this post it is enough to say that I am now an advanced scientist in molecular genetics. Thus, I have exploited some positive sides of this “sheet”. I have the hobby which cuts me completely from the common problems, however it requires leaving the home and going into countryside. Therefore, national quarantine here was very difficult for me. I was partially happy, because scientists could go to work and back every day at any time (sometimes I have to go in the middle of the night like 2 am to make observations or in any other weird time), but other constraints were working also for us. I was just going to work even on weekend to have a possibility to move my body a little bit, crazy times… I made big progress in my work at that time but the most annoying thing was that I was completely sure that it was very stupid decision about quarantine. However, the gov here does not listen scientists. To exemplify, now the number of covid-19 cases is 100 times higher than during ‘national quarantine’ and almost everything is open. Even night pubs but these unfortunately are not my target due to Asperger social issues