Just a bit of advice to all my beloved members of this site: a lot of times crappy things may happen to you, don't blame yourself or think that you have horrible luck. Our social naivete and loneliness bring out the predator in some people. These types of people enjoy setting us up and hurting us. It gives them immense pleasure because they are sadistic and able to control some outcomes in our lives. The people that they use to gain this sort of sick, twisted, pleasure are actually afraid of them and will follow through. They might laugh too but later they feel shame. So, don't blame yourself but realize that set-ups truly do happen. It's not always bad luck on our part. The problem is that it is not always easy to find out if you've been set up. Those people who do these sort of things want you to believe that you are a failure. They will stand in the way if you try to sort it out. They don't want you to see that you were simply set up. What you need to do is memorize certain cues if an unfortunate set-up was done to you such as odd twitches, sarcastic smirks, people laughing in the background. Be aware of what is going on around you. If it actually feels like a 3-ring circus in your proximity, it actually is. You will be the clown. Start paying attention and don't get too caught up on finally being accepted or finally being asked out. Practice self-care and have some self respect.