AriaEclipse wrote:
I'm Hyperlexic. I was reading by the time I was 3. I guess I taught myself, my mother says I used to surprise people by reading signs in the stores and reading package labels as a kid.
That sounds a lot like me. One thing I remember doing was going into our medicine cabinet at home, pulling out all of the bottles, and reading the ingredients on each bottle out loud.
I'd always watch a PBS kids show called "The Electric Company" back in the 1970s. Morgan Freeman was one of the actors on the show, and one of the characters he'd play was "Easy Reader," who loved to go all over town and read everything in sight. He especially loved to read things out loud, because reading was cool! As far back as I remember, anywhere I'd go, I'd love to read words out loud, too. 4-year-old hyperlexic me would upset everyone when I'd go to the playground and would loudly read out any words I'd see there, including those four-letter words the older kids had spray-painted on the walls
I naturally identified with a guy like Easy Reader.
Here's a skit from the show where Easy Reader joyfully states the ingredients in a bottle of soda pop:
The Electric Company- Easy Reader and Dr. Delight
DSM-5 Diagnosis: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Without accompanying intellectual or language impairment, Level 1.