Yes, both in the sense that they both went into technical subjects / have similar interests.
Mother: Background in technology and finance. Worked in a think-tank at one point.
Father: Studied engineering (O level), became a technical clerk instead. Also worked in a think-tank, or as a professional planner as he puts it.
Both problem-solving and direct. My mother especially so; she sometimes lacks tact. Neither went to university but both are intelligent. My dad was a precocious child known for his inventive streak.
However, my mother was discouraged from pursuing her interest in STEM as her careers advisor told her that she'd never make it as a woman. My mum's response was basically "Oh yeah? Stuff you I'm doing it anyway", and so she did. Worked her way up from sixteen years old shadowing others. Now she runs her own team and is rather respected in her field.
I definitely had the "raised by nerds" experience. Apparently I speak formally to my mum, but I'd never really noticed until someone pointed it out. I have a habit of speaking rather formally anyway, especially when writing.
My dad never does anything casually, he's always finding some new obsession. He speaks in references a lot and likes to randomly update me on trivia about space. An introverted interest-driven type. My mum is extroverted but blunt and literal-minded.
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.