That can be very frustrating. I actually used a Droid 4 till the beginning of this year because I really liked having an actual physical keypad. The OS quit updating years ago which meant most of my other apps also quit updating. I really liked not having anything suddenly change on me. However there were problems due to some of the various apps not being able to update. Eventually only half the websites would actually work on my phone's browser. Also I quit being able to use the yahoo email app so I was forced to resort to using my gmail app for my yahoo email which had various glitches including most images in my yahoo emails not displaying. I stuck with the phone thou cuz I did NOT want to have to learn a new one & having a physical keypad was very helpful for me when I was sending texts or emails. The last few years I mostly just used my phone for those purposes besides making phone calls.
My Droid 4 fell & broke at the end of last year so I got a new phone which is the LG V40 ThinQ. It took a bit of getting used to but things worked OK at 1st. However there was an OS update that screwed my spell check up. My girlfriend noticed that my typing suddenly got a lot worse. More words were misspelled & lots of wrong words were in there. There were lots of times when I noticed that spell check gave me the wrong word & I would backspace to try retyping the word & spell check would auto change the word again. There were times I would try retyping the word like 10x in a row only for spell check to auto change it to the same wrong word every time. Some of those times I was certain that I was typing & spelling the word I wanted correctly but spell check decided to change it to the same wrong word every single f#cking time. I turned the spell check off because it is usually a lot easier for others to figure out what I meant to say when I misspell the words myself instead of spell check auto changing them to words that make no logical sense there. 1ce I turned the spell check off, my phone would randomly open the animated emoji menu & I sometimes accidnetly inserted one. I changed another setting to stop having that bar on top which did stop my phone from opening the animated emoji menu. However I have another problem now. Sometimes while trying text messages, emails, or posts on here, the icon thing where I'm typing randomly jumps to a different point in my message. I'm typing at the end of a message & I suddenly start typing in the begging or middle of it very randomly. When I change phones again, I really hope there is an option that does NOT use the android OS & is NOT apple. I want a phone that works well for texting, email, web browsing, & phone calls that does NOT have any of the extra junk bells & whistles. I do NOT want that f#cking spell check cr@p either that NEVER works for you.
Technology is so screwy I can NOT comprehend how the military can use drones. I would bet my life that if a nuclear missile would ever get launched, it's intended programed target would be the last place the missile would actually strike.