Phoenix20 wrote:
It is a myth that a STEM degree makes a person more employable than a non-STEM degree. With or without a college degree, people with Autism/Aspergers have high rates of unemployment. You can not get a job because you have Autism/Aspergers. You can not get a job because you lack experience.
well STEM degrees tend to be higher-paying than non-STEM degrees.I guess I should have clarified.i thought college was going to help me but it appears like it was a mistake on my part.I am afraid no company will give me a good job because I am 30 with no experience and have been unemployed ever since I graduated college several years ago. I guess i will just have to work min wage type jobs for the rest of my working for others career.
My parents are debating giving up on the state vocational rehab job training services but that would mean we would have to pay for a job coach.We would pay the job coach more than I would get paid so the job would be a losing proposition money wise while we have private job coach.Also, I am not even due min wage because Americans with disabilities are not automatically due min wage legally.People dont seem to understand that I can not get my first entry-level career track job.