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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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18 Mar 2021, 12:04 pm

Greetings fellow, well...gauging based on the logo, Extraterrestrials!

...Hi, I'm Harun. I'm from Houston (TX) and I'm 20 years old, black, bisexual and a huge dork. I've a huge affinity for music (experimental electronic mostly but other stuff too,) I've been a huge anime fan since I was a kid, I have a love of surrealist and/or abstract art of many artforms (One of my favorite games of all time is LSD Dream Emulator to which, I'd look that up if you don't already know about it, along with that, Yume Nikki and Rez Infinite are also favorites of mine, to get an idea of least, a CHUNK of my head is)

My status as an individual with Autism is in such a way where it's completely and totally obvious that I have Asperger Syndrome, but it was only a therapist clueing me in and me having to realize how OBVIOUS it was that I came to that realization and ultimately, it was For the best not just like as it relates to me understanding my quirks but it was a like cultured moment for me because it likewise after explaining why I always had the issues I had also noted to me indirectly that fellow Asperger Syndrome havers would be the people I'd definitely have a nice time socializing around due to their understanding things NT & non-autistics just kind of Don't. I've spent enough time definitely freaking out about my own issues to the point that an edit I made of a comic a friend did (If you've ever seen "check out how hard I can talk about my interests," that was me. I edited an absurd comic by my distant friend fmrly known as AAAAA42 centered around a guy saying "check out how hard I can pee" to be about the autistic experience during a suddenly bad evening I was having related to me talking a lot.) is now my accidental claim to fame (despite nobody knowing it was me who did this), I'd definitely rather be around people I can relate to more on that level who'll actually be more prone to getting me without question. Really all of that led me here!

I'd talk about my interests but that would double or maybe triple the post...That first link I had links to my gigantic like, homepage...landing...whatever where you can find out a bunch of stuff about me.

So, Hi. Lot of forums I'm on that I don't do much on but I said I'd actually try to be around on this one. Seems cool

Ask me about: THUG Pro, Liminal Spaces, ...Anime? (kinda), Music, Old PC Games, Horror, and... MORE!


"만약 이 모든게 꿈이라면 다시는 깨고 싶지 않을거야"
(If all this is a dream, I'll never want to wake up again.)

– Parannoul

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18 Mar 2021, 1:18 pm

Welcome to WP! I think you will find some nice people and some nice diversions on WP.

I'm triple your age so, I suspect, the main thing we have in common is being an Aspie. But we can enjoy WP together.

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
I finally knew why people were strange.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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18 Mar 2021, 2:18 pm

I think we definitely can!! !! !! heheh
So interesting knowing this website unites all kinds of people like us w/ all sorts of different backgrounds..

Ask me about: THUG Pro, Liminal Spaces, ...Anime? (kinda), Music, Old PC Games, Horror, and... MORE!


"만약 이 모든게 꿈이라면 다시는 깨고 싶지 않을거야"
(If all this is a dream, I'll never want to wake up again.)

– Parannoul


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18 Mar 2021, 2:58 pm

Hello and welcome. I am Asperger's-diagnosed.

Opinion polls have officially begun!
Posting will be on and off due to school studies for a while. I am still around though and will occasionally pop in!

Mona Pereth

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18 Mar 2021, 9:48 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet.

Have you looked for local support groups for adults on the autism spectrum as well? If not, I would suggest looking on, and perhaps also contacting your local Autism Society.

- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
- Autistic peer-led groups (via text-based chat, currently) led or facilitated by members of the Autistic Peer Leadership Group.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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19 Mar 2021, 12:11 pm

Greetings all of u! ^_^

I've thought over using Meetup to find fellow Autism havers in my area for sure, I think I'm partly shy and I'm looking for one that happens to also like cross over with any media I'm interested in but I'll just shoot for a general one probably in the long run.

Ask me about: THUG Pro, Liminal Spaces, ...Anime? (kinda), Music, Old PC Games, Horror, and... MORE!


"만약 이 모든게 꿈이라면 다시는 깨고 싶지 않을거야"
(If all this is a dream, I'll never want to wake up again.)

– Parannoul

Mona Pereth

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19 Mar 2021, 12:58 pm

hwoon wrote:
Greetings all of u! ^_^

I've thought over using Meetup to find fellow Autism havers in my area for sure, I think I'm partly shy and I'm looking for one that happens to also like cross over with any media I'm interested in but I'll just shoot for a general one probably in the long run.

Of course it would be highly desirable to have more specialized groups for autistic people too, such as hobby-oriented groups and career-oriented groups and many other kinds of groups as well, as detailed in my Longterm visions for the autistic community.

What exists currently, in most places, is just a few general support groups per major metropolitan area. Thus I consider the autistic community to be vastly under-organized (compared to, for example, the LGBTQ+ community, or even compared to other disability communities such as blind and deaf people).

Of course the nature of our disability makes it hard to organize groups. But it's something we need to do, IMO.

Here in NYC I'm trying to start the process of building more specialized groups, including an Autistic Peer Leadership Group in which group leaders and would-be leaders can work together to develop leadership skills.

- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
- Autistic peer-led groups (via text-based chat, currently) led or facilitated by members of the Autistic Peer Leadership Group.


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19 Mar 2021, 8:48 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :)

I was diagnosed with AS when I was 13 and there is an LGBT forum
for members who identify as LGBT.

(Sometimes, I post on that forum even though I am straight. :wink: )

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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19 Mar 2021, 9:21 pm

Hello there Harun and welcome to WrongPlanet!! :)