Looking for collaborator for rock project
So, I've got a plan laid out for an album (the first draft for the lyrics of it's 15 songs are written, I've also go rough idea of how they should sound musically, it's just not recorded anywhere but I could hum it out if someone needs to hear what it's supposed to sound like), but I'm looking for some assistance in actually getting it made. A major theme of the album is the abuse that autistic people suffer, so that's why I'm asking here. The plan is for it to be a rock album, probably somewhere along the lines of alternative or progressive metal with additional influence from folk and symphonic music, metalcore, industrial, and shoegazing. As such, I'm looking for people who have some talent in playing in these styles, and can work from listening to melodies as I can only compose vocally. If anyone is interested, send my a PM. The plan is to ultimately distribute this album via Bandcamp, so any collaborators would have equal rights to any income made off of it. I'm also willing to do some payments upfront.
Cinnamon and sugary
Softly Spoken lies
You never know just how you look
Through other people's eyes
Autism FAQs http://www.wrongplanet.net/postt186115.html
I decided to go ahead and sing a line from each song on the album so I'd have something to show for the project. I know it sucks, I can't sing full voice without brick-walling my current microphone, but it's something.
Cinnamon and sugary
Softly Spoken lies
You never know just how you look
Through other people's eyes
Autism FAQs http://www.wrongplanet.net/postt186115.html