That was hard...
I don't feel 100% today and was taking a nap... I have a neighbor that seems to want me over all the time, though some of her personal views on things make me cringe... plus she talks bad about other people to me... plus she buys into conspiracy theories (this is the lady that says horribly homophobic, racist things and tries to talk people out of the Covid vaccine, thinks boxed milk is pigs milk, etc.. )
When she calls I usually get up right away and go over there... then when I'm over there if after awhile if I say I'm going home she's like "why? You don't have to go!" And guilts me...
Just talking to her she's probably lonely, she lives by herself...
I'm taking a nap and the phone rings... She wanted me to come over and help her fill out a form on her computer (that she should be able to do herself I think...)
I told her I was napping, can we do it tomorrow? She snapped and said she would be gone most of the day tomorrow, said "well nevermind then!" And hung up...
I mean I don't feel 100% because I had a covid shot (which she made a bad comment about) and I was with her and other neighbors earlier to get food boxes... I just want to relax now, but she expects me to jump up and help her fill out a form this minute! But her reaction was painful to me!! !
Crazy Bird Lady!! !
Also likes Pokemon
Avatar: A Shiny from the new Pokemon Pearl remake, Shiny Chatot... I named him TaterTot...
FINALLY diagnosed with ASD 2/6/2020