Spaceplayer wrote:
Darklife, take solace in the fact that you're not the only one, and this problem extends to those without autisticness as well. The school system is outdated, a 2nd wave institution in a third wave world. (If you're not familiar with the terms, check out the work of Alvin Toffler, you can wiki it for a quick overview. Basically, 2nd wave is industrial factory work, for which our current school system, with its bells, assembly line classes, etc. were created to train you for. Not only that, but unions and other factors extended this system to grade 12 to keep you there longer for the benefit of established factory workers. We are now in a third wave, the knowledge/information age, and the school system has not adapted to the needs of the students today, or the parents.)
Autistic-ness? is that like Female-ness, or maybe Male-ness?