Always experience side effects from meds (antibiotics)

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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21 Aug 2021, 11:04 am

Hey all,
Just curious if this is a good idea aspie thing or personal to me.
Whenever I take medication, no matter what it is, it never seems to agree with me and I always have bad side effects and feel anxious.
Most recently it happened with antibiotics when I experienced insomnia, a high temperature, and terrible panic attacks
Maybe I'm just sensitive but curious if anyone else gets this

Mountain Goat

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21 Aug 2021, 5:55 pm

Some I can't take.


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29 Aug 2021, 11:42 am

It's quite common that people on the spectrum have adverse behaviour and mental health reactions to antibiotics. This is because many peoples' ASD symptoms are either caused, or exacerbated, by changes in gut flora. Antibiotics tend to alter gut flora significantly in a short time span, hence the noticeable changes.

Over the last 9 years I've noticed that ~all antibiotics affect me and my symptoms, but that doxycycline, while effective at treating illness, does a particular number on my healthy gut flora - nuking them all - which greatly amplifies my ASD symptoms temporarily.

There's a statistician turned autism researcher that noticed these behavioural changes in his autistic son when giving him certain antibiotics. He found that some improved symptoms, while others made them worse. So, he investigated these things and then created his own research foundation to keep exploring antibiotics and their influence on autistic behaviours. His website is:

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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03 Sep 2021, 5:26 am

I’ve had antibiotics three times in my lifetime, each time being affected to some degree. The most recent occasion, I felt severely affected by it and took them only for two days.

The same applies for any type of pain killers and I haven’t taken any conventional, western medicines in about 6 years as I feel overly sensitive to them.


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10 Sep 2021, 4:47 pm

I kind of think probiotics for gut bacteria may be a wave of the future.

in a very self-actualizing way! :D


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10 Sep 2021, 5:45 pm

Interestingly, despite being hypersensitive in almost every other way, I do not usually have problems with medications. Only exceptions are Abilify and Sudafed, and less severely, azithromycin (despite having no reactions to stronger antibiotics). I even got off comparatively easy when I had chemotherapy last year. Also no known food allergies or sensitivities.

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