theprisoner wrote:
How many here would have flirted honest
Shh. I have run from situations where women do that because I would not know what to do.
Most of the time though, unless it is more than obvious, I would not be able to tell that I was being flirted with.
I need someone to tell me when I am being flirted with, like the lady flirting needs to tell me directly that she likes me, otherwize I will ignore it or just assume she was being extra nice, but not know why.
So on the one hand this flirt I notice because I know it is going to happen before I watch the film so I can see it, but if I saw it in real life I may not think it was flirting and ask "Why is the lady looking at me?"
I would smile back to be polite, but then turn away because I would not know what is going on and I find direct eye contact embarissing.
Yeah. When I was younger I wouldve been too inept to get the false risque' signal in the first place. Much less be able to go beyond that to realize that the signal was being sent accidently by a blind woman.