So my journey for self-discovery actually started well over a year ago... First I started with other things, such as my gender (I'm trans)...then I kind of got sick and had to deal with bipolar this year... and then when I got medicated, something weird happened... I didn't get entirely better. I was acting like I used to when I was a kid. Fast forward to March and randomly youtube comes up with a video about "are you an undiagnosed autistic?" or something like that and I was like "whaaaat?" because I hadn't even been searching for autism. It just knew. It came up with stuff and down the figurative rabbit hole I went. I started doing tests online and was over the line for autism... I tested again, more conservatively...still showed up autistic, no matter what I did. I started to read about autistic burnout and stuff and thought maybe that's what I had been going through - why I was acting the way I was, and why I wasn't handling things socially very well again (it had taken me many years in substantially forced social interactions to become skillful enough to mostly work properly)...anyway, I decided to invest in a diagnosis. I found out from my therapist the name of a local specialist - a psychologist who specifically deals with ASD and ADHD diagnoses. I half expected to get an ADHD diagnosis in the process... but then I went through the testing a few weeks ago, and waited on my results. They came in a little under 2 weeks ago, and she said I have ASD but not ADHD. She said although I have some overlapping symptoms, ASD covered everything so that's what I got. I noticed a lot of things in the multi page report and am still going through it. It shows I'm intelligent but that I have severe deficits in cognitive inhibition and auditory memory at the lowest scores possible, with a lot of other stuff mixed in between - all over the place on the report. She gave me recommendations, mostly of reading material and I already read one of the books...and it was eye opening! I just kept saying "that's me!" as I read. So I'm still in the exploration phase, and I don't entirely understand what this all means to me. I don't know what I do that autism is responsible for yet. But I'm happy to be here, and that's my story!