Funny that you mention that.
Grandma bought me a subscription to Reader's Digest back when I was a teen years ago.
It had humor and annectdote sections for readers to submit stories to.
Decades later I still remember the story submitted by that lady who was the wife of a missionary to a tribe in New Guinea. They lived on canned goods shipped in. The locals couldnt read but got the idea that you could know what food was contained in a can by looking at the picture on the can. Beans, tuna, spam, veggies, tomatoes. Its what depicted on the can.
By the way...only a generation before the locals didnt eat canned goods because....they were cannibals.
So "when I got pregnant you can guess what the natives thought our diet was when we started getting shipments of baby food which was always in cans stamped with pictures of healthy, happy, babies".