dawndeleon wrote:
please, do go on... its good to hear the backstory. First of all, deep breath. andddd. lets hear it.
i have been force into a psychtric ward 4 times in the past 2 years. everytime seem revolve around my family getting violent with me or else a major adverse reaction from the medications i been forced to take. i am not mentally ill. my mother has delusions about me. she thinks that iv gone around my whole life in an uncontrable rage beating people up when i never laid one hand one anyone. she seems to think she knows stuff that happened when she wasnt in the room or even in the house. my father has a borderline personality and gets angry and even violent at inexplicable things.. i am not sure i did the right thing not going to the group home but going to a reall house seem way better at the time. i had an aunt who was on my side but due to contact with my mother she now toes the party line. theres more if i can remember it.