Even if you lie through your teeth I need to hear the good news!!
Mid forties, newly diagnosed aspergers (ASD1), female.
I can see how the naivety and honesty and poor physical health from burnout, have all led to periods of unemployment (too burnt out/sick), frequent job turnover (bullies, burnout, low fulfillment, difficult relationships with co workers on one occassion that was more misunderstanding than bullying ), wrecked businesses (burnout and no support), loss of finances (due to failed jobs, businesses, being duped by people selling stuff, and manipulative partners who took advantage).
At this point I am one of those who has high book smart intelligence, plenty of potential and qualifications, but struggles to maintain full time work, struggle to sucees in business,
housing insecurity, have to keep moving, tight finances, and currently low enjoyment of life (I used to really enjoy life but it's harder when you are low on cash and can't access your fave things to do like walking in the mountains or visiting beaches, participating in hobby groups). I am okay at social skills in a professional environment.
I know a lot of people struggle with this stuff. But please, someone tell me I can turn this around ! Someone tell me that now I know, I can find a perfect job/business, a stable place to live in a town near the sea, a life partner, recover my finances, be a part of fun groups again, and enjoy life to the max again .