When people use "way too much" punctuation: too many "quotation marks" or ..... "ellipses" in their writing.
Lol this annoys me too.
When people don't read your OP then ask you questions that you have already answered in the OP, so you have to repeat yourself. (If the OP is too long then don't ask questions that you think might be already mentioned in the OP, just skip the whole thread instead, or just skim read).
Whenever the words lack of empathy is used in the same sentence as autism.
When people on WP ask if a normal human trait is "an Aspie thing".
Those "NT disorder" blogs that basically overstereotype NTs and are totally annoying and not funny.
Political correctness.
People that apply to YouTube comments with abbreviations that you have no idea what they stand for.
People that criticise you for not using Google when asking a question on a forum or Facebook. Sometimes Google is useless or we just want to seek more personal answers and share our feelings.
Netflix and Amazon.
People going sshh.
People telling me to stop moaning when I'm just expressing my feelings in the most matter of fact way possible.
People reminding me that I'm an adult when I know that already.
When people on WP conclude something I said with having autism, like if I say something that someone else thought was immature (their opinion only) they write "oh, that's immature...wait, immaturity is a part of autism, so yeah I suppose that explains it" or something like that.
When people on WP assume I am socially clueless or go out flapping my hands, just because I'm on the spectrum.
People telling me to ignore stuff. How do you consciously ignore something that bothers you too much?
Cliches. Just stop with the cliches.
When people abruptly interrupt mid-sentence about a completely different subject (yes, some NTs actually have this trait).
Double standards.
Animal rights being put second after human rights.
People that are too positive.
People that joke when you're really not in the mood.
People that find sex jokes really funny.
People that smoke yet are frightened of catching covid.
The way NTs value getting drunk.
Life's full of annoying pet peeves. I could go on and on.