Is this autism or am I being breadcrumbed?

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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26 Feb 2022, 4:35 pm


I am NT and have a brother who had Asperger's (I am aware that Asperger's is no longer in use, but my brother always considered himself an Aspie, so I have used it - hope that's ok : )

I have been online dating over the past 6 months or so after having been in a long term relationship with an NT man for 4 years. I have been chatting with a man who is funny and very interesting for the past 5 weeks or so. I don't know if he is ND or not (we have not discussed it), but he exhibits a great deal of similar traits to my brother - special interests, needing quite a bit of solitude, what I see as some Theory of Mind issues and an incredible intellect. I really enjoy chatting with him and do find him attractive. We have not met in person and live about 1 hour away from each other.

What I have observed in the past three weeks is that we will chat multiple times a day for, maybe 3 days in a row (each of us taking turns initiating), and then 2 or 3 days will go by with nothing - radio silence on his end. I might then initiate a chat - to which he always responds (and quite quickly) and then for 2 or three days it is only me initiating...I'm confused : ( This unpredictable communication is not really a good fit for me. About a week ago I did mention to him (clearly, as I know direct communication is best) that it is very important for me that he initiate the conversation half the time - he apologized and said that he would never want me to feel hurt and that he would absolutely do so. He did it once, and then it hasn't happened since.

If he is ND I want to be understanding. If I am being breadcrumbed...I deserve better. Sigh. Does anyone have any thoughts?


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26 Feb 2022, 11:31 pm

I don’t know what being breadcrumbed means. It sounds like he is busy, doesn’t like/prefer texting, or is not interested in you. Or a combination. It may be a neurodiverse thing, but then again it may not. He may not be thinking anything about it. I can’t say.


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27 Feb 2022, 3:11 am

Brainiac42 wrote:
I don’t know what being breadcrumbed means.

I believe breadcrumbing is just a euphemism for leading someone on. Giving them enough to sustain a connection without letting it develop or become meaningful.

To the OP...

I guess one question to ask is does he use charm? Like, is he trying to be very charming when he reappears (which would seem like breadcrumbing), or is he sincere? It sounds like he made a sincere apology, but didn't follow through very much. Assuming he's ND, it sounds like he doesn't express his needs clearly, so you will probably have to be direct just to find out what he's thinking.

In your shoes, I would ask about the inconsistent communication and tell him you understand if he's not interested, but that you need to know what's going on since he's giving mixed messages. I'd ask if it relates to ND traits and mention your brother, so he knows you're concerned and not being judgmental. If he feels you understand him, he may be more inclined to open up. Then I'd say that I've liked talking so far, but need him to communicate more about what he's going through so we can understand each other. Hopefully he'll respond well to that.

Emu Egg
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27 Feb 2022, 3:47 pm

Thank you for your responses. Much appreciated!

When he responds he does not seem at all as though he is applying charm. In fact, he continues a conversation as though we talked earlier that day instead of 2 or 3 days earlier. I wondered if perhaps I like talking more than he does, so I asked him yesterday if he would like chatting less and preferred not to chat every day. He replied (and I believe sincerely) that he loves talking every day (his text had an exclamation mark and a heart). It's actually a peculiar thing to say, as we haven't been talking every day as there are those gaps, where if I don't initiate, he doesn't write. I don't want to be doing all the work, so sometimes I don't initiate and then the 2 or 3 days might go by with radio silence. As we have only been communicating for about 5 weeks, I wasn't sure that I should begin saying things that might seem like needy expectations.

I appreciate what was shared and will take the suggestion and find an appropriate way to discuss the mixed messages I'm receiving.

Thank you!


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27 Feb 2022, 4:16 pm

If you're interested in him you should arrange to meet in person. He may be unsure whether you want to. He won't be insulted if you propose a meet-up (I say this without assuming if he's on the autism spectrum or not).

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27 Feb 2022, 4:52 pm

Have you met him in person before?

I know that when talking to someone over the internet you don't really truly know them until you actually meet them in person, even if you think you do. You don't really know what's going on their end, they could be busy with work and family and other commitments. Sometimes online dating does work but not always. So a man coming and going online doesn't necessarily mean he's autistic, it could mean anything. In fact there's more chance that he isn't autistic than is.



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27 Feb 2022, 10:54 pm

Take this for what you will. With my wife I used the "less is more" approach so to speak. What I did was primarily use phone or text to ask her to meet in person or go on a date. The reason I used this approach so early was that I had discovered that daily texts and phone calls with previous dates didn't work well for me. It kinda felt like we would have nothing to discuss when we did meet up. The "less is more" helped me out there. Not sure this works for everyone

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28 Feb 2022, 12:38 am

90sGirl wrote:

I am NT and have a brother who had Asperger's (I am aware that Asperger's is no longer in use, but my brother always considered himself an Aspie, so I have used it - hope that's ok : )

I have been online dating over the past 6 months or so after having been in a long term relationship with an NT man for 4 years. I have been chatting with a man who is funny and very interesting for the past 5 weeks or so. I don't know if he is ND or not (we have not discussed it), but he exhibits a great deal of similar traits to my brother - special interests, needing quite a bit of solitude, what I see as some Theory of Mind issues and an incredible intellect. I really enjoy chatting with him and do find him attractive. We have not met in person and live about 1 hour away from each other.

What I have observed in the past three weeks is that we will chat multiple times a day for, maybe 3 days in a row (each of us taking turns initiating), and then 2 or 3 days will go by with nothing - radio silence on his end. I might then initiate a chat - to which he always responds (and quite quickly) and then for 2 or three days it is only me initiating...

And then what has usually happened after those 2 or 3 days? Does he then spontaneously go back to initiating conversations at least some of time? Or does he initiate conversations only because you've asked him to?

90sGirl wrote:
I'm confused : ( This unpredictable communication is not really a good fit for me. About a week ago I did mention to him (clearly, as I know direct communication is best) that it is very important for me that he initiate the conversation half the time

Why is this important? To assure you that he is indeed genuinely interested in you? Because heterosexual dating norms dictate that the man should take the initiative most of the time? Or are there other reasons also?

90sGirl wrote:
- he apologized and said that he would never want me to feel hurt and that he would absolutely do so. He did it once, and then it hasn't happened since.

And then what hasn't happened since? Do you mean to say that he has not initiated a conversation?

90sGirl wrote:
If he is ND I want to be understanding. If I am being breadcrumbed...I deserve better. Sigh. Does anyone have any thoughts?

I think a lot of us have days on which it is difficult to reach out to other people or initiate conversations. I know I do, especially on days when I am very busy with other things, or on days when I am very tired.

Initiating conversations takes more effort for most autistic people than for most NT's, for various reasons. I know that I would not want any online pals to expect me to initiate conversations with them every single day. And I doubt I would feel any differently about this if I were male (but otherwise neurologically very similar to the person I am now).

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01 Mar 2022, 5:51 am

90sGirl wrote:
What I have observed in the past three weeks is that we will chat multiple times a day for, maybe 3 days in a row (each of us taking turns initiating), and then 2 or 3 days will go by with nothing - radio silence on his end. I might then initiate a chat - to which he always responds (and quite quickly) and then for 2 or three days it is only me initiating...I'm confused : ( This unpredictable communication is not really a good fit for me. About a week ago I did mention to him (clearly, as I know direct communication is best) that it is very important for me that he initiate the conversation half the time - he apologized and said that he would never want me to feel hurt and that he would absolutely do so. He did it once, and then it hasn't happened since.

If he is ND I want to be understanding. If I am being breadcrumbed...I deserve better. Sigh. Does anyone have any thoughts?
You said that this style of communication is not a good fit for you & you feel like he is uninterested & you deserve better. You've only been chatting with him like two months & have not met up in person yet & it doesn't sound like you two are in an official relationship yet either. There are various reasons he may have trouble initiating conversations & some have been mentioned but I don't think the issue here is what his reasons are but rather that you have a major problem dealing with him not initiating regardless of why. You tried discussing it but he didn't or could not suddenly change that so I think you should move on instead of expecting & requiring his conversation behavior to suddenly change.

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Emu Egg
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01 Mar 2022, 7:09 am

I very much appreciate all the thoughtful comments I received : ) We have made a plan to meet for coffee
for the first time tomorrow evening. I agree that meeting in person will add important information and will
assist me in deciding if he is someone with whom I would like to continue chatting.

It is very helpful to me to hear your perspectives on needing time away from communicating with people. For
me, based on past relationship experiences and being NT, I equate having a partner who initiates connection
routinely with investment and level of care and interest. My wish is to be as flexible and open-minded as I can
be, but as an NT, it would be a challenging paradigm shift to no longer equate the two.

Thank you again : )

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22 Mar 2022, 10:10 pm

Are you me? I’ve had this happen with the last 2 ASD guys I’ve liked. Lots of communication (every few days, long conversations)… but they never actually ask me out. In one case, I was corresponding with a guy for A YEAR. I eventually give up on them! But I always wonder if it is a misunderstanding. For the record, I am an ASD female.

I assume that they just enjoyed talking to me and had no romantic feelings for me at all. But, who knows?

Did you ask the guy out, or did he make a move finally? Very curious to know.

Best of luck on your date! :)


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23 Mar 2022, 1:08 pm

CurrerBell wrote:
I assume that they just enjoyed talking to me and had no romantic feelings for me at all. But, who knows?
Did you ever make a direct move on them? If not it's possible they assumed you just enjoyed talking to them & had no romantic feelings towards them. This notion that the guy should make the 1st move really puts us Aspies at a disadvantage. Us Aspie guys can be too awkward to know how to go about it without freaking woman out & we can be way too oblivious to realize that a woman is interested in us & assuming we're not if the woman does not make the 1st move. Aspie women can have problems singling interest in a way guys can pick up on compared to the way NT women do it & Aspie women may not make a direct move on a guy because she assumes that the guys woulda got her hints & made a move on her if the guys really were interested & she might be too scared to make the 1st move because guys might get freaked out by that. If an outsider was observing, they might think "they both clearly like each other so why don't they just come rite out & say so directly instead of doing this dance". I would want to start yelling something like that at the TV if I was watching characters on a show.

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23 Mar 2022, 1:59 pm

90sGirl wrote:

I am NT and have a brother who had Asperger's (I am aware that Asperger's is no longer in use, but my brother always considered himself an Aspie, so I have used it - hope that's ok : )

I have been online dating over the past 6 months or so after having been in a long term relationship with an NT man for 4 years. I have been chatting with a man who is funny and very interesting for the past 5 weeks or so. I don't know if he is ND or not (we have not discussed it), but he exhibits a great deal of similar traits to my brother - special interests, needing quite a bit of solitude, what I see as some Theory of Mind issues and an incredible intellect. I really enjoy chatting with him and do find him attractive. We have not met in person and live about 1 hour away from each other.

What I have observed in the past three weeks is that we will chat multiple times a day for, maybe 3 days in a row (each of us taking turns initiating), and then 2 or 3 days will go by with nothing - radio silence on his end. I might then initiate a chat - to which he always responds (and quite quickly) and then for 2 or three days it is only me initiating...I'm confused : ( This unpredictable communication is not really a good fit for me. About a week ago I did mention to him (clearly, as I know direct communication is best) that it is very important for me that he initiate the conversation half the time - he apologized and said that he would never want me to feel hurt and that he would absolutely do so. He did it once, and then it hasn't happened since.

If he is ND I want to be understanding. If I am being breadcrumbed...I deserve better. Sigh. Does anyone have any thoughts?

No, though the anxiety is there, it's good to give your boyfriend space and take turns messaging each other. Don't overly do it, instead put the ball in his court by sending one message and let him respond when he feels ready. It might also be good to take turns texting each other. Otherwise, it looks like you are chasing him and guys don't like that.

For example - Check in and say "Good morning" once and don't say anything else. Rather, let him respond when he feels ready.


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23 Mar 2022, 3:33 pm

Summer_Twilight wrote:
Otherwise, it looks like you are chasing him and guys don't like that.

Some might not, but some of us are more secure.


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23 Mar 2022, 3:44 pm

HighLlama wrote:
Summer_Twilight wrote:
Otherwise, it looks like you are chasing him and guys don't like that.

Some might not, but some of us are more secure.

Thanks for that information, I have chased men in the past and they didn't like it.


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23 Mar 2022, 3:49 pm

It would seem this person hasn't logged in for over 3 weeks.

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