Are you Hyper/Hypo sensitive to pain?

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Are you
hyposensitive to pain? 28%  28%  [ 13 ]
hypersensitve to pain? 26%  26%  [ 12 ]
enjoy some pain? 9%  9%  [ 4 ]
A mixture of the above? 38%  38%  [ 18 ]
Total votes : 47

Snowy Owl
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03 Aug 2007, 5:30 am

This is an interesting question for me. Another one which couldn't fit on the title was do you enjoy certain types of pain? For me i am Hyper sensitive to internal pains espically around the head/neck area. I am Hypo sensitive to bumps and grazes and i could think of several examples of storys which support this idea but im not gonna bore you with them. I also enjoy the feeling of pins and needles and sometimes sit on my leg to get this feeling. :lol: Weird or what?

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03 Aug 2007, 6:55 am

I actually enjoy some pain. Obviously, some internal pain is bad, BUT.....

When I was 8, I accidently leaned on a soldering GUN, you know, the old fashioned ones that have a tip coming off a metal bracket that is about 2" x 3"! The entire soldering gun case melted! The CARPET had a huge spot where it was burned! I had a WELT on my lower right arm that looked like the tip of the gun. I didn't feel the burn until I saw the gun burning my skin! On my left upper arm, a jerk once burned it. It looked like, and I said that, hot oil was spilled on it.


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03 Aug 2007, 7:54 am

I don't fit either description.


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03 Aug 2007, 8:43 am

I think I'm a mixture. If I cut myself or bump certain parts of my body I feel intense pain. Internal pain(broken bones, back being out of place, labor ect..) has always seemed more dull to me, then to others. I also have several tattoos, and I didn't even flinch while getting them. Some of the process actually felt good. The guy that did the work said that I was the best person he's ever worked on, because I held so still. lol


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03 Aug 2007, 11:20 am

I never liked pain of most sort. Some pains I live with but most I don't like.


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04 Aug 2007, 7:17 am

am feel hardly any outside body pain-such as from breaking down wall with head in meltdown,but am can feel things like migraine,the inside extreme pain from meltdowns,noises and bad feeling touch,not sure whether thats hyper or hypo.


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04 Aug 2007, 7:22 am

I don't feel much pain externally (cuts and burns for example); I know I have a sensitive tongue/mouth as I cannot have my hot chocolate "hot", I must water it down quite a bit. I’ve never broken any bones -- cuts from surgery never bothered me at all; 'ah, I don’t need morphine dudes, that’s just going to keep me awake.'


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04 Aug 2007, 9:44 am

When I get teensy little cuts it feels like my body is being sliced open however when I get a really bad injury, I just ignore or don't feel it! My support tutor at college noticed this when I sliced part of my thumb off with a metal sculpting thing and I just went into the toilets and washed all the blood off without saying a word or crying. I still have the scar!

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04 Aug 2007, 11:46 am

Broke my arm in grade six, felt no pain what so ever, sensed something was wrong when i started to shake from shock. It really hurt when the doctor told me to rotate my arm.
Got hit in the face with a hockey puck felt nothing intiatilly, really started to hurt once i put ice on it.
Got kicked in the face playing flag football in high school and felt nothing.
Got hit in the face with spring load mechanism to keep barb wire gates closed. It cut my lip pretty good, i felt nothing even though blood was dripping pretty good. i just ended up picking the fence back up and closed it again. The guy i was working with kept insisting we go to the hospital to see if i need stitches.
From my understanding so far, those would be examples of hyposensitive pain.


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04 Aug 2007, 12:36 pm

I'm hypersensitive to certain pains, but on the other hand sometimes if one of my limbs is hurting I punch it because it feels good. I like to touch bruises too.

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04 Aug 2007, 2:35 pm

OY when I band my knee, it sends shivers of pain down my back!! I have a very low threshold of pain!

Pain and pleasure are the twins who slowly out of focus spin around us until we finally realize, that everything that gives us pleasure also gives us pain to measure it by!

Snowy Owl
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04 Aug 2007, 3:12 pm

i wouldn't say i am hypersensitive to internal pain, but i think i am bothered by it more than i should be. (i tend to get extremely paranoid about heart palpitations and chest pain--i have mitral valve prolapse.)
external pain, however, i don't really mind. when i was in a car wreck, and was cut near the temple, i was projectile-bleeding all over the dash/inside of the windshield...i actually found the delirium from the blood loss quite enjoyable [i was giggling like mad at a freakin' ceiling tile in the e.r. XD].
i'm also the type to take advantage of a tattoo parlor's "get one piercing, and the next is half off" policy by getting 16 earrings in one sitting :p. [again with the giddiness and delirium.]

Emu Egg
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04 Aug 2007, 6:13 pm

I'm a person who doesn't quite tolerate pain well. It happens sometimes that I faint because of the shock itself.


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04 Aug 2007, 8:06 pm

I am especially intolerant of pain in the feet and toe area. I yell and scream and swear more than most people if I stub my toe. I even scream out in strange tongues! Like "Yaggh ghag! ghag!ghag! Yaggh ghag! ghag!ghag!" Fingers are not as bad but still very sensitive to pain in that area like I hate getting my fingers pricked with a needle.


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05 Aug 2007, 2:05 am

I am extremely sensitive to pain. For instance, something that most people wouldn't even feel can get me to scream big time. And this is the main reason why it took me so long to ride a bike (I was fifteen, sadly). I was literally scared to death of falling off of it. I know, I'm such a baby. :roll:

Snowy Owl
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05 Aug 2007, 4:20 am

I'm pretty tough I think. If I'm in a fight, angry, or something like that, I'm in the zone and won't be bothered at all. I'd say I have a pretty high tolerance to pain otherwise too.

Read the post above about being scared of riding a bike. Here are some horror stories for you. Between like 8 and 12 I always road my bike and stuff all time. When I got a new bike when I was like 8, I was riding full speed up and down the block and when I was going back to my driveway, full speed, my brother who had also got a new bike comes flying out and I crash into the side of his bike. It was with the force of a regular car accident almost I think. I went FLYING like 10 feet luckily onto some grass. I did like a flip in the air and landed on my back. Had some scraps I guess but fine. I was My brother was balling his head off but wasn't really hurt. Had some scraps but was lucky I didn't literally hit him and not the bike. I thought it was "cool".

Another time, a couple years later, I had some plastic ramp. My brothers most used it but the first time I tried, full speed again, I must of did something wrong and the ramped slipped or something and I fell off the bike mid-air and landed flat on my back on the concrete with the bike following partly me missing my head luckily. It was a heavy bike too. My back was really scraped up and so were my elbows. Banged my head pretty hard too. Didn't really hurt I guess. All the kids watching thought I was going to really hurt but I just got up and walked to the house to clean off. It ached I guess. Banging my head part is what bothered me the most. I was pretty shaken up from it since the bike almost fell right on my face. My daredevil days were over after that.