Hello! My name is Heidi.
I've joined here back in 2015, but never really used this account at all. Until now, that is.
Not because I'm embarrassed to admit that I know what I'm doing in a forum for the first time, but because I didn't know there were places for people like me on the internet to relate with in terms of having autism.
I'm 28 years old, unemployed woman and happily single. I have no pets, but I have a medium collection of soft toys to keep me company. They range from Pokemon plushies to my favourite animals like cats, horses/ponies, and rabbits/bunnies. As well as more than a few Animal Crossing amiibo figures.
My interests are drawing pictures and comics, reading books and playing video games.
My favourite colour is blue.
I hope to make new friends on here.
Have a nice day/night and happy Easter!