Hi everyone, having a lot of difficulties right now getting along and communicating with literally the only person I have left in my life which I’m hoping to get advice for, but probably my starting point for it all is this: (if anybody has the time to possibly help me I would be genuinely so grateful)
My partner essentially thinks my Autism/ADHD (diagnosed as a child, medicated etc.) is either a lie or something that I “could change if (I) wanted to”… but this post is more about the first part:
My partner has a non verbal, pretty low functioning nephew who is 6, and two nieces in their teens who have ADHD and she’s sure one or both have an autism diagnosis (they are both verbal and if anything would be classed as very high functioning) She also has a friend who has a son with Autism (moderately functioning) and Cerebal Palsy, who struggles to walk (this part is relevant, bear with me plz lol).
Basically she regularly accuses me of lying about having autism in general, or saying that traits of my autism are me just excusing my “unacceptable” behaviour. I have tried and tried to explain that not all people on the spectrum are the same (hence “spectrum” but when I said that, unfortunately she thought I was implying she was stupid, but she didn’t know what it meant so I was genuinely trying to explain).
She refuses to believe it- citing her sons friends struggle with walking as being something I don’t have- it took me hours of arguing and a meltdown after having various objects thrown at my head for me to convince her that his particular walking issue was down to his CP NOT his autism… but aside from that she won’t hear it. Because I don’t present the same as the other people she knows with autism (who all present completely differently themselves (who’s confused? Me too
)) she doesn’t believe I have autism.
Please help… I don’t know what else to do. And I don’t want to be abandoned again because she thinks I’m being “difficult”on purpose.
Thank you so much in advance
If you are getting into chronic arguments with someone it actually points to the fact that the other person starts them on purpose cos some people get a thrill from all that stuff. Hence why she refuses to concede any point to you, constantly brings up the fact that you are 'a liar' when you are not. etc.
If someone is throwing stuff at you and hitting you it only takes one moment of weakness for you to do something back to her...then you'll be 'a woman beater'.
She'll play the victim and tell everyone you are abusive .
After you have one of these hour-long arguments does she seem strangely unaffected, cheerful even? Whereas you feel traumatised?