Radish wrote:
Yes Fnord, I read your post in PPR about the Quiverfull movement. The US seems to be a breeding ground for these fundamentalist Christian type cults. Another thing I notice about organised religion is how then they tend to be "transmitted" from parents to their children, almost like a mind virus. Whereabouts you live in the world and the organised religion of your peers is typically the religion adopted blindly by the next generation and so on.
A lot of deeply religious groups left Europe for the "New World" seeking religious freedom, even before the US was a nation. That ideal was later written into the Bill of Rights. That's why such groups are widespread and can flourish there.
Religion is here to stay. Though more people openly claim atheism, there are many more quiet religious people who believe but do not actively worship. The fanatical groups are in the minority they are just more vocal.