I'd still say that I'm not as intelligent as some people on WP. I don't feel very intelligent even though I can write a post. I don't think intelligence always means one is unaware of how intelligent they are.
I always think of intellect as being good at logical things like math, science, technology and solving puzzles, and hyperfocus and memorising facts and details about logical topics.
I remember a girl at school who was very intelligent. She got A grades in every subject and was able to contain so much information the teachers taught and just knew exactly what to write or do in classes. She was a nice, decent, honest girl too, not some entitled know-it-all or anything. Me, I was the opposite to her. I struggled in class, found it hard to focus or remember what the teachers taught, never once got a grade higher than a C, and was in the slow readers group and the bottom classes for most classes. I got along with kids with learning difficulties better.
I think I was good in English class because I was a good speller and could use punctuation, but in the 2000s when I was at high school spelling and punctuation wasn't that important, they looked more at how good you were at explaining things like the details of a poem, book or movie, which I wasn't very good at. So, despite my good spelling and punctuation, I didn't get the grade I wanted in English.