What are the signatures of passive aggressive behavior and the folks who've learned to operate in this indirectly aggressive way? Persons who act in passive aggressive ways do some of the following:
*Have difficulty saying no to persons viewed as authorities. In seeming to outwardly comply with requests, the passive aggressive person will procrastinate, leave work undone, obstruct, do an insular job, do what was not requested, misplace, or "forget" to perform the requested tasks. When asked about their problem with delivering, the person with passive aggression is likely to make excuses, blame, or become sullen while claiming only good intentions.
*Often feels put upon, controlled, pressured, and victimized.
*Frequently is involved in fibbing, omitting information, or lying to avoid direct confrontation.
*Prone to "cheating" and being found out in long-term relationships and marriages.
*Often has challenges paying bills in a timely manner and may have a poor credit history.
*Likely has a history of poor interpersonal relationships where friends and partners are frustrated by indirectness and passive aggressive behaviors.
*Will make dates and stand people up.
*May be in denial about passive aggressive behaviors, claiming only good intentions.
*Are frequently in trouble in work situations for excessive tardiness and incomplete tasks.
*Have high rates of somatic complaints and headaches.
*May abuse alcohol and substances.
*Have a higher incidence of depression.
*In relationships may complain about partners to third parties instead of discussing issues directly with their partners.
*Chronically "forgets" to do important tasks whether for self or others.
*Claim to "do too much" for others.
*Giving a yes when actually meaning no.
*Submissive on the surface.
*Attempts to block or frustrate others (With underlying anger).
*Seeding conflict between others and gossiping.
*Giving mixed signals: unclear yes and no's.
*Criticalness, subtle denigration, leaking hurtful information, sarcasm.
*Complaining about bosses, authorities, teachers, spouses behind their backs.
*Denial of emotions.
*Holding back on important information.
*Hunting for negative traits to avoid intimacy.
*Lack of commitment.
*Arguments and temper tantrums coming out of nowhere.
*Withholds important information.
*Wavering on courses of action.
*Angry about being powerless, yet not able to assert this.
*Sensitive about having requests made to them.
*Often lagging in education and careers.
*Fearful of being disliked.