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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 1 Dec 2022
Gender: Female
Posts: 47

06 Dec 2022, 12:59 pm

Can anyone tell me a bit about Abilify from personal experience? A family member is on it, but doesn't currently talk much.

Self-diagnosed with dyspraxia which has messed up my social life, my family, my work, and my home for a long time. I am ready for it to leave.

"From there to there, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!" Dr Suess, One Fish, Two Fish


Joined: 25 Aug 2020
Posts: 452
Location: Canada

06 Dec 2022, 10:09 pm

Im on it. It helps with my moods and paranoia. I find that it helps me. I have been on it for 3 years.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 1 Dec 2022
Gender: Female
Posts: 47

07 Dec 2022, 3:05 pm

Crystal1414 thank you. I am curious, does it change your ability to play music, or how you feel about listening to music? Has your enjoyment or ease of reading changed?

(If anyone else reading this has experienced a change I would also love to hear that)

Self-diagnosed with dyspraxia which has messed up my social life, my family, my work, and my home for a long time. I am ready for it to leave.

"From there to there, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!" Dr Suess, One Fish, Two Fish


Joined: 25 Aug 2020
Posts: 452
Location: Canada

07 Dec 2022, 3:24 pm

LeafyGenes wrote:
Crystal1414 thank you. I am curious, does it change your ability to play music, or how you feel about listening to music? Has your enjoyment or ease of reading changed?

(If anyone else reading this has experienced a change I would also love to hear that)

I dont think it changes my ability to play instruments or enjoy music. I have not been reading as much as I used to. I am not sure if that is because of the medication or not though.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 1 Dec 2022
Gender: Female
Posts: 47

08 Dec 2022, 4:24 pm

Crystal1414, thank you :) I always think people's real-life experiences are worth so much.

Self-diagnosed with dyspraxia which has messed up my social life, my family, my work, and my home for a long time. I am ready for it to leave.

"From there to there, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!" Dr Suess, One Fish, Two Fish

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 1 Dec 2022
Gender: Female
Posts: 47

15 Dec 2022, 2:58 pm

Da_Zero these are all good points, thank you. Personally I am not in favour of drugs (prefer vitamins) but I can see that sometimes they can be necessary as a stepping stone.

Self-diagnosed with dyspraxia which has messed up my social life, my family, my work, and my home for a long time. I am ready for it to leave.

"From there to there, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!" Dr Suess, One Fish, Two Fish