auntblabby wrote:
ToughDiamond wrote:
I was worse when I was younger.
can you tell me your technique for improving as you aged?
I'm not sure how it happened. I think I just learned from experience. One step was when I realised that if I was going to bring a new item into the house then I first needed to know whereabouts it was going to live. Another step was looking at the mess I was living in and noticing that I'd be engulfed if I didn't mend my ways to a degree, that the elves weren't going to do the job for me. Another thing was gradually understanding what tidying up and organising was (it was originally a very blurred concept to me). And I figured out that getting everything organised in one big swoop was never going to happen but that micro-chores didn't hurt as much as I'd expected them to do.
Accepting that some of my rooms were going to be "rooms of shame" where I'd just keep the doors shut until one day I might pluck up the courage to make a start in there, and just keeping the most-used parts of the house fairly ordered. It was surprising to find that the contents of rooms that humans rarely set foot in don't get covered in dust anything like so readily as they do in rooms that are lived in (I gather most house dust is actually dead skin).
Building shelves was helpful. And I discovered the concept of purgatory for stuff I thought I should probably throw away - I can rarely bring myself to immediately trash anything but if I put it in a labelled box and leave it for a good long time, then somehow it gets easier to finally discard it or decide I'm going to keep it after all. There are important decisions to be made when tidying up, and they shouldn't be rushed. It was also useful to become conscious of certain arrangements of possessions that attract a lot of dust and create a laborious task (e.g. cleaning the dust of a great big collection of small items on open surfaces), and that sometimes containers are worth the effort of having to open and close them to get access to the contents.
Not that my stuff is laudably well-organised even now. Just that it's better than it was.