Da_Zero_A_Dieci wrote:
You're right.
But if I write like this , miniposts come out for me .
I can simplify to the bone.
But you would only read paragraphs .
And I wouldn't be tempted to write anything more as time went on.
*You wrote logical things and you are right.
But I couldn't do as you ask.
*It would be a disincentive for me, I have ADHD and among other things I have to translate my ideas mentally from images into Italian words and verify them in broken English.
For me a short post is uninteresting both to read and to write
I'm sorry, I know you're right...
^I understand.^
To-do in the new year: Personally, I've found it beneficial to have a trusted acquaintances (other than immediate family) read back WP posts and responses, and offer helpful feedback to consider in following posts.
It's natural to be hesitant to share personal WP content with immediate family - as immediate family may not be able to offer that important impartial, objective feedback - that is feedback best offered by trusted acquaintances.
To become acquainted with people outside of family friends,relatives is another necessary challenge to be met in the next year!