Hi everybody. Just wanted to give everyone a piece of information that I recently discovered. I apologise if this has already been mentioned before, or if it's common knowledge.
Before I finally accepted that I was an Aspie, I was constantly trying to improve social skills, forcing myself to talk to women, etc. When I finally said to myself, 'I have Aspergers', suddenly all that progress just went out the window, and I seemed to regress back to square one. I stopped talking to people and just stayed on my computer 24/7.
But there is an Aspie that has reminded me that we can make it in this world, even thrive. Sure the path might be long and rugged, and luck would be needed, but it can be done. Being a filmmaker like this personality, perhaps I feel a bit more about this than others, but this guy is Mr Steven Spielberg. He is an Aspie!
His obsession was movies and it has fuelled his creative drive. This man has people begging to work for him (not to mention people who idolise him all over the world). His communication seems very strong, at least when talking about movies and he doesn't seem shy. Some people don't like how he sugarcoats some scenes (I think The Terminal suffered from that, but I digress), but he is almost unamisously praised for his ability to create tension and find beautiful shots.
He has not survived in this world, he has it in hand (so far he's made $1.5 billion from Raiders of the Lost Ark). In a way, I think the world is surviving him... Granted, he is in a profitable industry, but before you get to the stage of profit, it's an industry of contacts. If he can get known in such a difficult industry, so can others, in my opinion. As said before, he seems to have gotten around communication problems associated with Aspergers. He is able to concentrate his obsession into his work that has given him success. What I want to know is how he directs actors...
I'm posting this because finding this out has refuelled my desire to accept who I am, but also to make it in this world; that I can achieve what Spielberg has. Hopefully, some others here might see that same inspiration.
My type of joke... 'Three guys walk into a bar. One of them is a wee bit stupid, and the whole scene unfolds with a tedious inevitibility.'