MagicMeerkat wrote:
Mental age is a demeaning concept. It's always used to say someone is younger mentally than their physical age and deny them things. My mother wouldn't let me learn to drive at 16 or get a part time job because "You're younger mentally". I also was forced to basically babysit this bratty teenager girl because "you're autistic and can't make friends your own age". I also had to take swimming lessons at 13 specifically for autistic kids. I was 13 but all the other kids were 2, 3 and 4. Whenever I complained about this I always got, "You're younger mentally!"
My mom told me I should not drive when I was in teenager, I took driving lessons anyway, I wasn’t good, I was taking driving lessons from a professional, but I got scared behind the steering wheel, I first learned from my dad, I hit a curb, I was driving his Mercedes Benz, it was a classic car from the 60s, I think, I don’t know if he still have it, last time I saw it was 10 years ago. Anyway, I was practicing driving in an empty parking lot next to the Rose Bowl, I remember my nose was soooo itching, I did bad, I hit the curb, that was the end of the driving lesson. My mom was nicer about me having Aspergers, but she wouldn’t let me ride a bike or roller skate, maybe because of my Cerebral Palsy.