car driving, I sometimes tell myself “sloppy B+” as calming
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And I really try to bowl a perfect 300 with driving so to speak. I try to be calm, confident, not intimidated by other drivers, predictable, etc, etc.
I also have the rule, if someone is driving like a jackass, hey, just let them go ahead and be a jackass.
But anyway—
if I do something like putting on my turn signal and seeing someone else is speeding up, and still moving over [ sometimes a judgment call, but usually I should let it go and not move over] , and if I think tell myself:
“Sloppy B+”
that helps me focus on the rest of my driving trip and not obsess about a mistake.
And I think with school grades and much of life, a non-perfectionist “sloppy B+” approach can often be the sweet spot.
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I've definitely gotten calmer and less impulsive with driving over the years. Sooooometimes, depending on my mood an other drivers on the road, I might get a little aggressive driving my car - like if someone's being a dick tailgaiting or high beaming me I might brake check them a little, or if they cut me off or doddle in the fast lane I might high beam and tailgate them - but those things are super rare. I generally drive my car pretty normally - often just cruising along in the right lane if I'm not in a rush to be somewhere.. other times I might speed a little.
But on my motorcycle? Nah. Definitely different. I'm not nervous/anxious, but I am Definitely more cautious and will pretty much 100% of the time just let cars go if they wanna go or if they're driving dangerously.. I'll just hang back in the right lane and stay not squished by a car. There was only one time when I was really new to riding and I was doing 90km in the left lane just after dark and a car turned right onto the road.. INTO THE LEFT LANE in front of me and I had to slow down Very Rapidly which resulted in some slight wobbling as I don't have anti-lock brakes. I slowed down several feet behind the car vs. coming within inches of rear ending him, but it was still a close call and my heart was pounding. I laid on the horn and high beamed the guy and thought about following him and smashing his windows out at a stop light. Idiot just looked at me like "What did I do? I did nothing wrong.. deerrrrrr." But ya, definitely not a lot of room for error if you ride like a jerk - way better to just let jerks go. (But in my cage I'd be more okay with someone side swiping me or wrecking my bumper if it needed to happen.)
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and with these crazy [and expensive!] “HID” headlights like on my former 2008 Prius [bad visibility for driver], I’d even cut people some slack on the headlights
Yeah, almost all the time I'm pretty cool driving. I rarely get irritated with others on the road unless they do stupid s**t like intentionally cut me off or don't let me change lanes when I need to or something then I might mutter something like "f**k you, dude," or whatever. But in general I've been behind the wheel for quite a few kms spread across all kinds of different vehicles.. like I've gotta be up over 500k kms of driving, maybe 600k kms+ something like that. So there's not a lot I haven't seen in the city or on the highways and I tend to react fairly well to others on the road, however they're driving.
Some of the new bright white headlights should be illegal they're so bright. Hard to tell if people have their high beams on or not, but sometimes when some as*hole in an suv is tailgating me with super bright lights in my mirror I'll flip my rear view mirror (tab that changes the angle or something so bright lights aren't so bright) and sometimes take my foot off the gas and slowly slow down and let them tailgate me and get pissed off - f**k them, they're lights are so blinding I can't even see if it's safe to change lanes so f**k them they can slow down, get pissed off, then pass me or not whatever.
Reminds me of a time I got pulled over by a cop for speeding over a bridge and I pulled over on the left (I think) as I was in the left lane and the cop was all super pissed off and asked me why I didn't change lanes a couple times and pull over on the right.. ummm, because you were tailgating me with your ultra bright red and blue flashing lights on blinding me and I couldn't see if it was safe to make a lane change ? Cop wasn't happy but f**k him, you put those on and ride my ass how the hell am I supposed to be able to see if there are any cars next to me or in my blind spot when I shoulder check? Idiot. (I got a speeding ticket, which I deserved, but he didn't give me any tickets for dangerous driving or pulling over "incorrectly," or whatever he could have written up as even though he was pissed off he accepted the reality that I couldn't see s**t thanks to his lights so I pulled over as safely as possible.)
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