I finally saw it a few weeks ago. Josh Hartnett was great, and I did like that Aspergers was shown a huge diversity in personality as it is in reality (though the characters were pretty much stereotyped as all being savantes, I will forgive them this). I also like the author friend, he was very likeable. What really made the movie bad was Radha Mitchell.
She came onto the screen very obnoxious, but I simply assumed that this would be part of her character development, and that she would show a level of depth that would gradually warm the viewers heart. But instead, she got more and more shallow as the movie went on, from pressuring sex on the very first date, to forcing him into a job he didn't want so that she could control him. And on top of all this was an annoying HAH laugh, which I would have forgiven once or twice as an anomaly, but it was her real, normal laugh. And I didn't feel chemistry or connection, I just felt her wanting to have sex and control this guy.
So taking all this into account, I wondered, am I actually supposed to be rooting for them to make it together? The film makers take all of her flaws and turn it into the "relationship obstacle". Well if the entire relationship obstacle the two lovers must overcome consists of one of them being selfish and unlikeable, I see no reason to root for them. I kept thinking, run away, run away while you have the chance.
But no. They end up together after she attempts to commit the most selfish act of all; suicide. I have sympathy for the mentally ill and suicidal in general, but with her I did not.
So that being said, Mozart and the Whale was well produced and had positive elements in it. But ultimately the weight of its fault, Radha Mitchells character, and basing the story on it, outweighs these, and I can say Mozart and the Whale sucks.