I havent seen it so much in the last couple of years, but YES...years ago you used to see zillions of posts about autistics having some physical attribute. But usually it would cause a storm of counter posts refuting it, and most of the time for every post that claimed that "autistics are this" there would be a post weeks later claiming that "autistics are that (the exact opposite" ("aspies are big people" -years later you would see "aspies are all wirey shrimps", "fat" with "thin", and so on).
Yes, that has always annoyed me too. But there no doubt will be another thread popping up soon saying about the physical features in autism.
The flat feet, far apart eyes and the ears completely attached to the head have always been the most common "autism physical features" discussed here.
The reason I know autism typically doesn't come with physical features is because A, it is not a chromosome disorder, and B, you can't be diagnosed just by looking at your body. If autism came with all these physical features then autism would be diagnosed at birth.
I think that instead of making up BS physical features to ASD, people with autism should be thankful that we don't look different like people with downs syndrome do.