I can't speak for everyone, only myself. My husband and I are not wealthy, we have really only just gotten ahead enough to not be in debt. And we can eat 3 meals/day. Occasionally we can get some small thing we might want. I was always terrible at managing money. The way I managed money was if I didn't have it, I didn't spend it. That was my strategy. It's no way to live. The only thing that helped me get better was a class on household finance and paying my bills. I learned how little I needed beyond a roof, food, gas to get to work, etc...
If Elon decided to open up a soup kitchen, or a hostel and breakfast, that would be money well spent. Just to dump money onto people can sometimes be a death sentence. Going from flat broke to rich is like going from prison to freedom with no halfway house in between. They are broke again in no time (similar to the way parolees reoffend). I don't know why it's that way, but it is. Money is great, but it's tricky. I wouldn't ever want to have to figure out how to do life as a billionaire. I'm much better suited having an alarm clock and a dependable way to expend my energy, also a library card.
Disagreeing with you doesn't mean I hate you, it just means we disagree.
Neurocognitive exam in May 2019, diagnosed with ASD, Asperger's type in June 2019.