"Biblical values." -- Bigotry, intolerance, judgmental-ism, slavery, subjugation of women under patriarchal rule, and conquest by genocide.
"Founding Fathers" -- Racists, sexists, slave-owners, and genocidal imperialists.
"Freedom of Speech" -- Their use of insults, profanity, and other forms of verbal abuse.
"Have you ever been in a relationship?" -- Are you in a relationship now? If not, why not?
"I am sorry." -- They are not sorry; they just want you to shut up and leave them alone (See, "You win").
"I will keep you in my thoughts." -- That is, until something more interesting attracts their attention.
"I will pray for you." -- That is all they will ever do for you.
"It is not you; it is me." -- It most definitely is you, but they will not say so because they do not want to see you cry.
"Let us compromise." -- Give in and do it their way.
"Let us hang out sometime." -- They never want to see you again.
"Maybe next time." -- Never.
"Make America Great Again!" -- Make America dominated by wealthy, middle-aged, evangelical, white males.
"What do you drive?" -- Do you make enough money to afford a new car? Is it sporty or practical?
"Where did you go to school?" -- Are your parents wealthy enough to send you to a prestigious university?
"Where do you live?" -- Do you make enough money to live in a nice neighborhood by yourself?
"Where do you work?" -- Are you ambitious enough to hold down a prestigious, high-paying job?
"You are looking good!" -- For someone your age.
"You should follow your dreams." -- You should get a job.
"You win." -- They are not giving in; they just want you to shut up and leave them alone (See, "I am sorry").