ezbzbfcg2 wrote:
I'll start listing things for me, as this thread will mostly be for me. My pet thread.
Damn the lot of you!
-- Executive functioning problems
-- Bad inter-personal skills
-- Missing social cues, non-verbal communication break-down
-- Sensory overload (though not as bad now as in my youth)
-- Stimming (more prevalent as a kid) though I may still stim in some ways without knowing it
-- Black-and-white thinking in some regards. Intellectually, I know this way of thinking may not make sense, but I need some set of rules or standards to follow to navigate life (as I don't naturally fit in the way NTs do).
Everything you said pretty much sum me up. I pretty much force myself not to be black and white by trying to break things down to separate components.
II struggle with fitting in. But, now I am sixty, so I've picked-up on much.
If you haven't already, so a therapist, particularly one that is familiar with autism. If you already are, or are just simply not up to one or don't have access.
I wouldn't make rules too complicated. And don't try to be too perfect. I pretty much had to pick up things by osmosis.
I still say in appropriate things, though not as often, It's not entirely avoidable. But sometimes I know not to joke about certain things, even if other people can do it without much issue.
Unfortunately, being neurodivergent isn't something that you can resolve with a single posting. I would bring up things as they go along. So post the latest most pressing issue, and know that there may be some back and forth to understand the issue.