I'm of the understanding that the Quaker belief is that God is experienced by the individual in the way they see fit, not via a strict and inflexible belief system. The idea that prayer is to be experienced in silence, in the way best understood and preferred by the individual.
That type of religion makes a lot of sense to me, as an ex-Catholic who left the Church due to disagreeing with the rule set and the necessity of bits of the ritual. My favorite part of being a Catholic was a practice called Adoration where many people would pray in silence together. That was a far more spiritual activity for me than the Mass, but attending a Catholic Mass weekly was mandated, where Adoration was optional.
If there was a religion based around the concept of something like Adoration without the need to follow a strict set of rules that cannot be changed as scientific understanding of the human condition evolves, I would attend the ceremonies.
That, to me, sounds basically like what the Quakers do. Unfortunately, there aren't any gatherings near me.
Take it easy, dude, but take it!