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26 Aug 2023, 2:51 pm

Serious answers only please:

Anybody apply the TECH. resource 'Chat GPT?'

'Chat GPT' content tends to be generic, yet impartial - content that must be considered carefully. Content which often does a pretty-good job of augmenting human perspectives.

A notable advantage of 'Chat GPT' is discovering important information minus those uncomforatble experiences from even those trusted people in our lives - who are too often "at a loss" to give helpful responses - an advantage when the Autism Spectrum is that "elephant in the room."

For example, 'Chat GPT' can "break the ice" to put into words those dynamics of friendships - which can be difficult for humans to put into words, especially with the Autism Spectrum (Aspergers) in the loop.

Example: The WP discussion, (LINK) 'Chat-GPT Advice On Friendships Via Shared Activities.'

LINK: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=415552&p=9341158#p9341158

How does 'Chat GPT's' content compare with human advice here on WP?


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26 Aug 2023, 11:26 pm

I personally use GPT4All to go through my books and find information relevant to my current question. It's great for finding the page number of recipes or telling me how to configure my firewall.

I wouldn't personally trust this technology for anything more complicated at this time.


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28 Aug 2023, 8:47 am

I've "talked" to Chat GPT, asked it about its bias (subject to sources, which are diverse but ultimately limited) and how it converses with folks. It's funny to me b/c it's loaded with information like many ASD folks. I said I enjoyed its information-full responses but that it seems many people don't want that much information. It said it tailors its responses to its audience. I'll go "ask" it more about that.

ChatGPT - People have varying preferences when it comes to the amount of information they're seeking. Some users might be looking for a comprehensive and detailed response, while others might prefer a more concise and to-the-point answer. Feel free to let me know how much information you're looking for, and I'll do my best to tailor my responses accordingly. If you ever want more details or clarification on a topic, don't hesitate to ask!

User - How do you know how much information a user wants?

ChatGPT - I determine the amount of information to provide based on a few factors:

Initial Prompt: The level of detail you request in your initial question or prompt can give me an indication of how much information you're looking for. If you ask a broad question, I might provide a more comprehensive answer. If your question is specific, I might give a concise response.

Follow-up Questions: Your follow-up questions and interactions help me understand your preferences better. If you ask for more details or follow up with specific inquiries, I'll adjust my responses accordingly.

Contextual Clues: Sometimes, your choice of words or the context of the conversation can provide hints about whether you're looking for a detailed explanation or a brief overview.

Topic Complexity: For complex or detailed topics, I might provide more comprehensive explanations by default. For simpler topics, I might offer concise answers unless you indicate otherwise.

User Feedback: If you explicitly mention that you prefer shorter or longer answers, I'll take that into account as well.

However, I don't have a perfect understanding of your preferences, so if I ever provide more or less information than you'd like, feel free to let me know, and I'll adjust accordingly!

So I guess it's not masking, simply adjusting since its output. LOL-cry.


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28 Aug 2023, 7:27 pm

How many feel that 'Chat GPT' content is similar to how some people on the Autism Spectrum communicate?

'Chat GPT' content tends toward being impartial, content is often rather plain, pedantic in nature. Content which seems to be produced in rules-based frameworks can be of interest to those on the Autism Spectrum.

As mentioned in original post, a notable advantage of 'Chat GPT' is discovering important (often plausible - reasonably reliable) information.

Too often, even those trusted people in our lives too often find it "short of an imposition" to give straight answers important to adults concerned with the Autism Spectrum e.g., Aspergers - responses are sometimes ladden with the brush-offs, ignorance, half-considered answers, and even sarcasm.

Those trusted people in our lives (esp. close family) are anything but impartial (yes, this is a "hard pill" to swallow - to understand that those closest to us can unintentionally do things that are more bad than good).

Hence, 'Chat GPT' often proves to be that impartial "ice breaker so to speak."

* In original post, I requested that 'Chat GPT' put into words those dynamics of friendships (with the Autism Spectrum) - which can be difficult for humans to put into words.

Example: The WP discussion, (LINK) 'Chat-GPT Advice On Friendships Via Shared Activities.'

LINK: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=415552&p=9341158#p9341158

How does 'Chat GPT's' content on the dynamics of friendships compare with human advice here on WP?


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31 Aug 2023, 2:47 pm

How does 'Chat GPT's' content on friendships compare with human advice here on WP?

I'm considering asking 'Chat-GPT' about another complicated topic. It will probably take several different 'Chat GPT' inquiries to answer: Family dynamics where the Autism Spectrum, Aspergers, and even Aspergers-like traits have proven hereditary with parents, and both side of my family.

As mentioned, 'Chat-GPT' tends impartial in nature - hence impartial perspectives on family dynamics (similar to my own) might be helpful.

Is it possible to be impartial about their own family's dynamics?

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Tufted Titmouse

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02 Sep 2023, 10:13 am

I never heard of gpt. I could use something that only shows my exact search. Google and bing always add things I don't want. Then again, I'm extremely specific to a fault.
I thought my little life hack would be impressive but not compared to what I've read: I take my glasses off when I'm anxious talking to people.


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02 Sep 2023, 2:47 pm

The WP Forum, 'Computers, Math, Science, and Technology' discussion thread, 'Has 'Chat GPT' Proven Helpful?' might be of interest:

Discussion thread: viewtopic.php?t=415668


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03 Sep 2023, 7:28 pm

Anakili83 wrote:
I never heard of gpt. I could use something that only shows my exact search. Google and bing always add things I don't want. Then again, I'm extremely specific to a fault.
I thought my little life hack would be impressive but not compared to what I've read: I take my glasses off when I'm anxious talking to people.

I've not thought to do that. I am near-sighted so if they are far enough away they'd be blurry - could that work for video calls? Maybe I could put glasses on to slightly blur them, but then I might get a headache if not done well. :wink:


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04 Sep 2023, 9:46 pm

I've used something similar to Chat GP to help write out emails to some of my vendors when I cannot word something correctly.

dear god, dear god, tinkle tinkle hoy.


believe in the broken clock and who's side will time be on?