No, I don't think so.
In my experience, bullies actively seek excuses to bully people. If the movie didn't exist, they would probably have found some other excuse.
Then again, I'm biased, because "Rain Man" was one of my favorite movies growing up and I still reference it all the time. I saw it before I was aware I might be on the Autism spectrum, but there are some general things I have in common with Raymond, such as having a routine and being disturbed when it's interrupted, though not to the same degree as he does in the film.
The character of Raymond may be "inaccurate," but I don't think he's a stereotype. He's a fleshed out character. I wonder if the bullies who turned him into one saw the film. The point is that Tom Cruise's character, Charlie, starts out as a jerk who sees Raymond as an annoyance and only wants to use him to save his business, but by the end, Charlie sees Raymond as his brother and cares deeply about him. Charlie's frustration with Raymond is also a great source of humor in the movie. It still cracks me up when Raymond is complaining that he usually has six fish sticks for dinner and Charlie angrily chops the three fish sticks in half, so there are six.
This is one of the reasons I tend to like older movies better, because I think a modern, mainstream movie would shy away from making Charlie a genuine jerk at the beginning of the film -- especially since the person he's being a jerk to is neurodivergent -- which would make the payoff of him becoming nicer by the end much less satisfying. Then again, it's possible I'm just watching the wrong current movies. Or, like Raymond, I don't like change .
Last edited by vividgroovy on 05 Sep 2023, 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.