I recall posting something like this years ago (and can't find it), but perhaps now it's time to resurrect it - as I also may have a few new ones...caution, some of these may prompt a very harsh reaction, even if they're not illegal!! They're just horribly passive-aggressive.
1. When they give some round-about, couched or veiled reference to something, tell them that it doesn't make sense or that they lost you. See how many "rounds" of back-and-forth you can go for, before the remove the varnished layer (bonus points if it's a sexual innuendo
) then when they finally give in, retort with "There! That wasn't so hard now, was it??"
2. If one of them says "I have to explain this to you very concretely, [insert your name], because you take everything literally" (and I've had this happen to me), reply with "OK...this may sound ironic, but would you care to elaborate on that bit, that I 'take everything literally'?"
3. If one of them asks you "are you dumb" or "do you have some sort of mental problem?" reply with "No, I just have high standards for things making sense. I believe there's a fundamental difference."
4. Take their "advice" to be more spontaneous, or don't overthink things. Then watch the sparks fly
5. When they give you some indirect, non-assertive statement of expectation, and you just happen to be able to elicit the unspoken desire, call it out verbally: e.g. to a manager: "Ah! So when you say that you're giving this task with more responsibility to the junior staff because you want them to pick up more experience, what you're really saying is you don't trust me because I think differently than most people. Am I right?" When they appear shocked and speechless for a moment, follow up with "OKaaayyy...I'm not sure how to interpret the silence, help me out here."
6. Sort of in a similar vein to 1 and 5 above, prolong a dialogue with replies to the effect of "So when you say X, do you actually mean Y..." and see how long you can go before they finally "cave".
7. Tell them that you volunteer on some sort of board function, like a non-profit or a condo board, and you deliberately vote "no" when everyone else votes "yes", and vice-versa, because you believe that conformity is the mental illness of the masses (sort of paraphrasing Nietzsche), and everyone needs a contrarian.
8. Tell them that non-verbal communication is not always reliable, because what if someone has to go to the bathroom (or the loo) really bad?? Then all bets are off