Ohhh c'mon, u cant be angry at those NT's who dont help ya. It would be nice if everyone helped everyone but in the end, u cant expect them 2. Im glad u decided to go to collage, itll be a whole new world for ya. Man, seriously, i know its hard, but u gotta chill out. I used to say sorry 1,000 times a day to ppl, u gotta act more like them if u want to be accepted, hardly do i hear ppl apologize, and so, im not conserned if I offend someone so much, unless i do something that definatly would be offencive, something i did mean, i dont say sorry. Try to be more laid back with ppl (i know its hard). Dont kill yourself/beat yourself up when around them, just chill and talk.
We gotta be seld sufficent! Dont expect or count on favors from anybody. I learned this years ago and it helped me out tremendously. You cant expect others to make changes for u, u gotta change for them sometimes, as unfortunate as it may be.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.