Carrie Joy wrote:
Its like I have to think through common movement every single time I do it, or as if I'm uncertain about it even though I do it all the time; is that the same as proprioception?
Its not just that I'm clumsy and I bump into things (I do that regularly), but I also feel like a toddler when I'm in a situation like a buffet line - I make wide, shoveling movements to scoop food towards me (my NT friends are disgusted by that), and I have to pause and refresh my "motor memory" about tasks like setting things down or making simple household repairs. Its also like I get lost trying to move objects in space - including myself (I'll bang a jug against the counter when I'm actually trying to set it gently on top of the counter).
Etc. etc. etc.
I've hit my head so many times that it surprises me when I notice that I haven't done it for a while.
Disgusted? That is
really unfortunate. Sometimes I just want to give the world a gentle shake (without toppling buildings) and emphasize "PEOPLE ARE ALL DIFFERENT! DON'T BE SO CRITICAL!" I sincerely wish that everyone on this forum would encounter more less-critical, less-judgmental people in their lives.
(take a deep breath)
I don't have visual spatial deficit, but I do have an physical awareness issues. When I walk, I evidently have always had heavy feet. When I was young my bedroom was above my parents bedroom, my mom use to ask me not to stomp in the morning. She asked me many times over the years and I think she thought I was doing it on purpose because she would get mad. I myself have noticed it as I've gotten older because things shake or rattle a bit when I walk around. My youngest son is the same way, always have been. He as spatial/physical awareness issues.
Still, it is not as difficult as the issues you describe.
Back to grumpy mode. It is ironic that when in line, like a buffet line, people want others to be like robots, and yet Aspies are criticized for being robots.
(take a deep breath, visualize pictures of puppies or
better yet, pictures of Boris Karloff as the Monster, or maybe a painting by Vermeer! There. Now I am less grumpy.)
I also have a tendency to hit my head.