We got a tie, guys!
Check was late by almost 3 months. Had to turn them into DoL.
Management was a joke and instead of admitting they needed help, they threw agents under the bus.
Constant tech issues that had to be fixed with micromanaging (computer froze and you cannot restart. You must contact tech support and have them tell you to restart.)
Doing things like putting PII in unsecured chats especially given we had a federal contract.
Getting coached for refusing to put PII in unsecured chats.
Pay was decent
My TL was great.
Pay was awful
We had to ignore safety regulations to work
The two years there I worked deli during the dinner rush with someone who had the same lunch. Our lunches were cut in half to keep someone in the deli at all times.
Getting coached for not taking an hour lunch during the busiest part of the day with only two people.
Getting coached for missing four days. Had a severe throat infection. Told me my doctor's note didnt matter (worked in food so...yep)
Consistent BS is still consistency
My coworkers were ride or die which was awesome.