I sometimes seem to feel as though life is just passing me by because I seem to think the stages of life which I seem to think ''Neurotypical'' people go through such as being in a relationship long term, getting married, getting a place of your own and having kids are just being delayed more and more while at the same time realising that getting married and having kids is lots of hard work and effort and probably is stressful but I still get those feelings of at some stage to do these things because its what life is all about otherwise to do these stages at a later stage of life would not be even worth thinking about anymore. I just find it frustrating because I see the same process repeated over and over again, a person meets someone, gets into a relationship for a few years, get a place of their own, get engaged, then get married, have kids etc and its still primarily among those in their 20s and still not as much in their 30s or in those even older.
I know I've heard from people that relationships, marriages and kids are not always a path to happiness and contentment but when I am seeing it still happening among people around me I still can't help but feel like I am the only one who is falling more and more behind and I don't know if I am someone who is trying too hard to be like everyone else knowing full well I am quite different.